Module type
Class type
WARNING: Many of the combinators are documented concisely in the format "X
is equivalent to Y
". The equivalence should only be assumed to hold modulo more or less obvious OCaml evaluation order differences.
The effect framework in this section is almost entirely free of concrete implementation details and should theoretically be usable in a wide variety of contexts including for wrapping existing monadic libraries.
The effect framework can also be extended by users. Consider the map
effect. It consists of
effect signature type abbreviation,map'
capability mix-in,map
combinator, andmonad'd
.And, of course, various interpreters implement the map'
capability. The bottom line is that nothing prevents user defined extensions following the same pattern.
Abstract effect s
ignature represents the application ('e, 'a) 'R
of the higher-kinded effect representation type constructor 'R
to the error 'e
and answer 'a
Basic use of this framework should rarely require one to refer to this type, but this type will appear in inferred types. When writing type signatures the effect reader type abbreviation er
should be preferred.
type ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er = 'D -> ('R, 'e, 'a) s
Effect reader takes a dictionary 'D
of capabilities and returns an effect with the signature ('R, 'e, 'a) s
Effect readers are functions that take a dictionary of capabilities. This allows a form of laziness via η-expansion and effect signatures are designed to allow implementations to delay invoking the effect reader functions until the effects are really needed.
eta'0 @@ fun () -> f
is equivalent to fun d -> f d
Consider the following fib
let rec fib n = eta'0 @@ fun () ->
if n <= 1 then
pure n
lift'2 (+) (fib (n - 2)) (fib (n - 1))
The eta'0 @@ fun () -> ...
makes it so that fib n
returns in O(1) time without building the complete computation tree.
eta'1 @@ fun x -> f
is equivalent to fun x d -> f x d
Consider the following list traversal implementation:
let rec map_er xyE = eta'1 @@ function
| [] -> pure []
| x :: xs ->
let+ y = xyE x
and+ ys = map_er xyE xs in
y :: ys
The eta'1 @@ function ...
makes it so that map_er xyE xs
returns in O(1) time without going through the whole list to compute a complete computation tree for it.
effect signature.
map xy xE
( let+ ) xE xy
is equivalent to map xy xE
xE >>- xy
is equivalent to map xy xE
xyE >-> yz
is equivalent to fun x -> map yz (xyE x)
lift'1 xy xE
is equivalent to map xy xE
class virtual ['R, 'D] pointed' : object ... end
do_unless b uE
is equivalent to if b then unit else uE
do_when b uE
is equivalent to if b then uE else unit
type ('R, 'e, 'a, 'b, 'D) pair'm =
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a * 'b) s
effect signature.
class virtual ['R, 'D] product' : object ... end
class virtual ['R, 'D] applicative' : object ... end
pair xE yE
( and+ ) xE yE
is equivalent to pair xE yE
val (<*>) :
('R, 'e, 'a, ['R, 'D] pair' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a * 'b, 'D) er
xE <*> yE
is equivalent to pair xE yE
val tuple'2 :
('R, 'e, 'a, ['R, 'D] pair' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a * 'b, 'D) er
tuple'2 x1E x2E
is equivalent to pair x1E x2E
val tuple'3 :
('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3, 'D) er
tuple'3 x1E x2E x3E
is equivalent to map (fun (x1, (x2, x3)) -> (x1, x2, x3)) (pair x1E (pair x2E x3E))
val tuple'4 :
('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4, 'D) er
tuple'4 x1E x2E x3E x4E
is like tuple'3
, but for 4 elements.
val tuple'5 :
('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a5, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5, 'D) er
tuple'5 x1E x2E x3E x4E x5E
is like tuple'3
, but for 5 elements.
val tuple'6 :
('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a5, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a6, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5 * 'a6, 'D) er
tuple'6 x1E x2E x3E x4E x5E x6E
is like tuple'3
, but for 6 elements.
val map_er'2 :
('b1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('b2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('b1 * 'b2) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2, 'D) er
val map_er'3 :
('b1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('b2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('b3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('b1 * 'b2 * 'b3) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3, 'D) er
val map_er'4 :
('b1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('b2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('b3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('b4 -> ('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er) ->
('b1 * 'b2 * 'b3 * 'b4) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4, 'D) er
val map_er'5 :
('b1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('b2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('b3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('b4 -> ('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er) ->
('b5 -> ('R, 'e, 'a5, 'D) er) ->
('b1 * 'b2 * 'b3 * 'b4 * 'b5) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5, 'D) er
val map_er'6 :
('b1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('b2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('b3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('b4 -> ('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er) ->
('b5 -> ('R, 'e, 'a5, 'D) er) ->
('b6 -> ('R, 'e, 'a6, 'D) er) ->
('b1 * 'b2 * 'b3 * 'b4 * 'b5 * 'b6) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5 * 'a6, 'D) er
val map_eq_er'2 :
('a1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('a2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('a1 * 'a2) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2, 'D) er
val map_eq_er'3 :
('a1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('a2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('a3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('a1 * 'a2 * 'a3) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3, 'D) er
val map_eq_er'4 :
('a1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('a2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('a3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('a4 -> ('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er) ->
('a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4, 'D) er
val map_eq_er'5 :
('a1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('a2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('a3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('a4 -> ('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er) ->
('a5 -> ('R, 'e, 'a5, 'D) er) ->
('a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5, 'D) er
val map_eq_er'6 :
('a1 -> ('R, 'e, 'a1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er) ->
('a2 -> ('R, 'e, 'a2, 'D) er) ->
('a3 -> ('R, 'e, 'a3, 'D) er) ->
('a4 -> ('R, 'e, 'a4, 'D) er) ->
('a5 -> ('R, 'e, 'a5, 'D) er) ->
('a6 -> ('R, 'e, 'a6, 'D) er) ->
('a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5 * 'a6) ->
('R, 'e, 'a1 * 'a2 * 'a3 * 'a4 * 'a5 * 'a6, 'D) er
val lift'2 :
('b1 -> 'b2 -> 'a) ->
('R, 'e, 'b1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
lift'2 xyz xE yE
is equivalent to map (fun (x, y) -> xyz x y) (pair xE yE)
val lift'3 :
('b1 -> 'b2 -> 'b3 -> 'a) ->
('R, 'e, 'b1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
val lift'4 :
('b1 -> 'b2 -> 'b3 -> 'b4 -> 'a) ->
('R, 'e, 'b1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b4, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
val lift'5 :
('b1 -> 'b2 -> 'b3 -> 'b4 -> 'b5 -> 'a) ->
('R, 'e, 'b1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b4, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b5, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
val lift'6 :
('b1 -> 'b2 -> 'b3 -> 'b4 -> 'b5 -> 'b6 -> 'a) ->
('R, 'e, 'b1, ['R, 'D] product' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b2, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b3, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b4, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b5, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'b6, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
type ('R, 'e, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'D) branch'm =
('R, 'e, 'b -> 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'c -> 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, ('b, 'c) branch, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a) s
effect signature.
class virtual ['R, 'D] selective' : object ... end
val branch :
('R, 'e, 'b -> 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'c -> 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, ('b, 'c) branch, ['R, 'D] branch' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
branch baE caE bcE
val if_else_s :
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, bool, ['R, 'D] selective' as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
if_else_s tE eE cE
is equivalent to
(map const eE)
(map const tE)
(map (function true -> Left ()
| false -> Right ())
type ('R, 'e, 'a, 'b, 'D) bind'm =
('R, 'e, 'b, 'D) er ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('R, 'e, 'a) s
effect signature.
class virtual ['R, 'D] monad' : object ... end
class virtual ['R, 'D] monad'd : object ... end
val bind :
('R, 'e, 'b, ['R, 'D] bind' as 'D) er ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
bind xE xyE
val (>>=) :
('R, 'e, 'b, ['R, 'D] bind' as 'D) er ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
xE >>= xyE
is equivalent to bind xE xyE
val let* :
('R, 'e, 'b, ['R, 'D] bind' as 'D) er ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
( let* ) xE xyE
is equivalent to bind xyE xE
( and* ) xE yE
is equivalent to pair xE yE
join xEE
is equivalent to bind xEE (fun xE -> xE)
uE >> xE
is equivalent to bind uE (fun () -> xE)
val (>=>) :
('a -> ('R, 'e, 'b, ['R, 'D] bind' as 'D) er) ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'c, 'D) er) ->
'a ->
('R, 'e, 'c, 'D) er
xyE >=> yzE
is equivalent to fun x -> bind (xyE x) yzE
lE &&& rE
is equivalent to bind lE (function true -> pure true | false -> rE)
lE &&& rE
is equivalent to bind lE (function true -> rE | false -> pure true)
effect signature.
val filter :
('a -> bool) ->
('R, 'e, 'a, < ('R, 'D) monad' ; ('R, 'D) zero'.. > as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
type ('R, 'e, 'f, 'a, 'b, 'D) tryin'm =
('f -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('R, 'f, 'b, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a) s
effect signature.
val tryin :
('f -> ('R, 'e, 'a, ['R, 'D] tryin' as 'D) er) ->
('b -> ('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er) ->
('R, 'f, 'b, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
tryin exE yxE xE
val catch :
('R, 'e, 'a, < ('R, 'D) pure' ; ('R, 'D) tryin'.. > as 'D) er ->
('R, 'f, ('e, 'a) res, 'D) er
catch xE
is equivalent to tryIn (fun e -> pure (`Error e)) (fun x -> pure (`Ok x)) xE
val handle :
('f -> ('R, 'e, 'a, < ('R, 'D) pure' ; ('R, 'D) tryin'.. > as 'D) er) ->
('R, 'f, 'a, 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
handle exE xE
is equivalent to tryin exE pure xE
val finally :
('R, 'e, unit, < ('R, 'D) monad' ; ('R, 'D) errors'.. > as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er op'1
finally uE xE
is equivalent to tryin (fun e -> bind uE (fun () -> fail e)) (fun x -> bind uE (fun () -> pure x)) xE
val map_error :
('f -> 'e) ->
('R, 'f, 'a, < ('R, 'D) pure' ; ('R, 'D) errors'.. > as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
val gen_error :
('R, nothing, 'a, < ('R, 'D) pure' ; ('R, 'D) errors'.. > as 'D) er ->
('R, 'e, 'a, 'D) er
par xE yE
effect signature.
suspend with_resume
class virtual ['R, 'D] async' : object ... end
module Memo : sig ... end
Memoized lazy computation for asynchronous programming.
module Mut : sig ... end
Mutable ref cells for asynchronous programming.
The environment or reader is built-in to the effect system in the form of the capability dictionary. Thanks to OCaml's structural objects, it is possible to extend the dictionary for user needs.
effect returns the dictionary 'd
of capabilities.
env_as fn
effect returns the value of type 'a
computed from the dictionary of capabilities of type 'd
mapping_env fn er
effect executes the effect er
with the dictionary of capabilities of type 'D
mapped through the given function fn
setting_env s er
effect executes the effect er
with the given dictionary s
of capabilities.
module Prop : sig ... end
An abstraction for accessing instance variables or properties of objects.
val prop : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a Prop.t
prop get set
is equivalent to Prop.make get set
get prop_of
effect returns the value of the property from the dictionary of capabilities of type 'd
get_as prop_of fn
mapping prop_of fn xE
effect executes the effect xE
with the property of the dictionary of capabilities mapped through the given function.
setting prop_of value xE
effect executess the effect xE
with the property of the dictionary of capabilities set to given value
val read :
('D -> 'v Mut.t Prop.t) ->
('R, 'e, 'v, < ('R, 'D) monad' ; ('R, 'D) suspend'.. > as 'D) er
read prop_of
val mutate :
('D -> 'v Mut.t Prop.t) ->
'v op'1 ->
('R, 'e, unit, < ('R, 'D) monad' ; ('R, 'D) suspend'.. > as 'D) er
mutate prop_of vv
val modify :
('D -> 'v Mut.t Prop.t) ->
('v -> 'v * 'a) ->
('R, 'e, 'a, < ('R, 'D) monad' ; ('R, 'D) suspend'.. > as 'D) er
modify prop_of vva
val try_mutate :
('D -> 'v Mut.t Prop.t) ->
('v -> ('R, 'e, 'v, 'D) er) ->
< ('R, 'D) monad'
; ('R, 'D) errors'
; ('R, 'D) suspend'.. > as 'D)
try_mutate prop_of vvE
val try_modify :
('D -> 'v Mut.t Prop.t) ->
('v -> ('R, 'e, 'v * 'a, 'D) er) ->
< ('R, 'D) monad'
; ('R, 'D) errors'
; ('R, 'D) suspend'.. > as 'D)
try_modify prop_of vvaE
val cloning :
('D -> 'v Mut.t Prop.t) ->
('R, 'e, 'a, < ('R, 'D) monad' ; ('R, 'D) suspend'.. > as 'D) er op'1
cloning prop_of xE
Users can and often should implement their own interpreters that only allow specific limited sets of effects. This package is intended to only provide the core framework for effectul programming.
module StdRea : sig ... end
module Constant : sig ... end
Constant functor, products, and applicatives.
module Identity : sig ... end
Identity monad.
module Tailrec : sig ... end
A self tail recursive interpreter usable with Js_of_ocaml.
module Traverse : sig ... end