package rdbg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type label = string
type uniq_id = string
type node_call = label * uniq_id
type wire = label
type rank = int
type port =
  1. | In of int
  2. | Out of int
  3. | Clk
type call_graph = link list
type clock = string * Data.v
type call_tbl = (node_call, link list * Event.var list * Event.var list * Event.var list * Event.src_info) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val call_tbl : call_tbl
val verbose : bool Stdlib.ref
val log_file : string
val log : Stdlib.out_channel
type caller_tbl = (node_call, node_call) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val caller_tbl : caller_tbl
val top : string * string
val caller : node_call -> node_call
val caller_update : node_call -> node_call -> unit
type tag = int
module Tags : sig ... end
type tags = Tags.t
type tags_ref =
  1. | Tag of Tags.t
  2. | Ref of node_call * wire
type tag_tbl = (node_call * wire, tag) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
type tags_tbl = (node_call * wire, Data.v * tags_ref) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val tag_cpt : int Stdlib.ref
val tag_tbl : tag_tbl
val tags_tbl : tags_tbl
val make_tag : node_call -> wire -> unit
val get_tags : node_call -> wire -> node_call * wire * Data.v * tags
val get_tags_nf : node_call -> wire -> node_call * wire * Data.v * tags
val make_tag_ref : node_call -> node_call -> wire -> wire -> unit
val get_tag : node_call -> wire -> tag
val pack : 'a list -> int -> 'a list list
val int_list_to_str : int list -> string list
val tags2str : Tags.t -> string
val tags_ref2str : tags_ref -> string
val val_to_string : Data.v -> string
val d : unit -> unit
val update_tags : node_call -> wire -> tags -> unit
val update_val : node_call -> wire -> Data.v -> unit
exception NoSourceInfo
val get_src : Event.t -> Event.src_info
type src_info_select = (string * (int * int) * (int * int) * Event.src_info_atom option) list
val cpt : int Stdlib.ref
val pre_tbl : ((string * (int * int) * (int * int) * Event.src_info_atom option) list, node_call) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val node_tbl : (string * (string * (int * int) * (int * int) * Event.src_info_atom option) list, node_call) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val get_nodecall : Event.t -> node_call
val get_val : Event.var -> Data.subst list -> Data.v
val link2str : (('a * string) * 'b * string) -> string
val pdf_viewer : string Stdlib.ref
val get_url : string -> string
val gen_dot : Event.var list -> Event.var list -> Event.var list -> Event.src_info -> node_call -> bool -> bool -> call_graph -> unit
val clk_stack : clock list Stdlib.ref
val nc_stack : node_call list Stdlib.ref
val lk_stack : link list list Stdlib.ref
val pre_enb : int Stdlib.ref
val pre_input_tbl : (node_call, link) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val last_arrow_first : bool Stdlib.ref
val add_tags : node_call -> link list -> tags -> unit
val boolred_do : int -> int -> node_call -> link list -> link list -> unit
val propagate_tags_predef : node_call -> node_call -> Event.t -> link list -> 'a -> link list -> unit
val propagate_out_tags : node_call -> node_call -> Event.t -> link list -> link list -> clock list -> unit
val update_tagcov : Event.t -> unit
val next : Event.t -> Event.t
val nexti : Event.t -> int -> Event.t
val dump_call_tbl : unit -> unit
val gen_all_dot : Event.t -> unit
val gen_one_dot : Event.t -> unit
val init : unit -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.