package rashell

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type process_status = Unix.process_status =
  1. | WEXITED of int
  2. | WSIGNALED of int
  3. | WSTOPPED of int
type t = {
  1. program : string;
  2. argv : string array;
  3. env : string array option;
  4. workdir : string option;
exception Error of t * process_status * string
val command : ?workdir:string -> ?env:string array -> (string * string array) -> t
val exec_utility : ?chomp:bool -> t -> string Lwt.t
val exec_test : t -> bool Lwt.t
val exec_query : t -> string Lwt_stream.t
val exec_filter : t -> string Lwt_stream.t -> string Lwt_stream.t
val exec_shell : t -> unit Lwt.t
val which : ?path:string list -> string -> string option Lwt.t
val expand_path : string -> string
val chomp : string -> string
val string_match_glob : string -> string -> bool
val is_debugged : string -> bool
val pp_print_process_status : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> process_status -> unit
val pp_print_command : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.