package qinap

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A (very small) parsing library.

module Clist : sig ... end

Module containing functions for working with lists of characters.

module Ext_string : sig ... end

Module containing functions for working with strings.

type 'a parser = string -> ('a * string) option

'a parser parses values of type 'a. A parser consumes a string and either returns a tuple with the result of the parsing and the remaining unparsed input or fails.

Primitive parsers

val result : 'a -> 'a parser

result x returns a parser that consumes no input and always succeeds with the value x. It is an implementation of return for the parser monad.

val zero : 'a parser

zero is a parser that always fails without consuming any of its input.

val item : char parser

item parses exactly one character from its input. Fails if applied to an empty string.

Primitive combinators

val (=>) : 'a parser -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b parser

p => f returns a parser that applies the function f to the result of p and fails if p fails. This combinator is an implementation of map for the parser functor.

val let* : 'a parser -> ('a -> 'b parser) -> 'b parser

let* p f returns a parser that chains the parser p and the parser that results from applying f to the result of p. This combinator is an implementation of bind for the parser monad. let* can be used similarly to Haskell's do-notation to chain parsers without using many anonymous functions.

val (<|>) : 'a parser -> 'a parser -> 'a parser

p <|> q parses its input using p; if that fails, it parses the original input using q. Can be read as a logical "or". <|> is the choice combinator.

Derived combinators

val (>>) : 'a parser -> 'a parser -> 'a parser

p >> q parses its input using p, throws away the result of p, and parses the remaining input using q.

val (<<) : 'a parser -> 'a parser -> 'a parser

p << q parses its input using p, passes the remaining input using q, and throws away the result of q, leaving only the result of p.

val (<~>) : 'a parser -> 'a list parser -> 'a list parser

p <~> ps parses its input using p, parses the remaining input using ps, and preppends the result of p to the list obtained by applying ps. You can think of p <~> ps as the parser version of x :: xs.

val many : 'a parser -> 'a list parser

many p parses its input using p zero or more times and returns the results in a list.

val many1 : 'a parser -> 'a list parser

many1 p parses its input using p one or more times and returns the results in a list.

Derived parsers

val satisfy : f:(char -> bool) -> char parser

satisfy ~f parsers a character x from its input if f x is true and fails otherwise.

val char : char -> char parser

char c parses a character from its input if it is equal to c and fails otherwise.

val clist : Clist.t -> Clist.t parser

clist cs takes a list of characters cs as its argument and succeeds if it can parse all of them from its input in order.

val string : string -> string parser

string s takes a string s as its argument and succeeds if it can parse that string from its input.

val one_of : char list -> char parser

one_of cs tries to parse a character from the list cs, in order, and succeeds returning the parsed character if a match is found, failing otherwise.

val between : 'a parser -> l:'b parser -> r:'c parser -> 'a parser

between ~l ~r p parses p between l and r, whose results are discarded.

Parsers and combinators for dealing with whitespace

val sep_by1 : 'a parser -> sep:'b parser -> 'a list parser

sep_by1 p ~sep returns a list of the results of the parser p, ignoring the results given by the separator parser sep, which is applied one or more times between each use of p.

val sep_by : 'a parser -> sep:'b parser -> 'a list parser

sep_by p ~sep returns a list of the results of the parser p, ignoring the results given by the separator parser sep, which is applied zero or more times between each use of p.

val space : char parser

space is a parser that succeeds if it finds a whitespace character, returning it, and fails otherwise.

val spaces : char list parser

spaces is a parser that suceeds if it finds one or more whitespace characters, returning a list of the parsed characters, and fails otherwise.

Parsers and combinators for dealing with numbers

val digit : char parser

digit parses exactly one digit from its input and fails if that is not possible.

val digits : string parser

digits parses zero or more digits from its input and returns them a string, and fails if that is not possible.

val digits1 : string parser

digits1 parses one or more digits from its input and returns them a string, and fails if that is not possible.

val natural : int parser

natural parses a natural number from its input as an int and fails if that is not possible.

val integer : int parser

integer parses an integer from its input as an int and fails if that is not possible.

val float : float parser

float parses a real number, written as a decimal expansion with digits before and after the point, returns it as a float, and fails if that is not possible.


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