package qcow

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

A physical address within the backing disk

include sig ... end
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val is_compressed : t -> bool

True if the address has been marked as being compressed

val is_mutable : t -> bool

True if the offset is safe to mutate directly (i.e. is not referenced by a snapshot

val shift : t -> int64 -> t

shift t bytes adds bytes to t, maintaining other properties

val make : ?is_mutable:bool -> ?is_compressed:bool -> int64 -> t

Create an address at the given byte offset. This defaults to is_mutable = true which meand there are no snapshots implying that directly writing to this offset is ok; and is_compressed = false.

val to_sector : sector_size:int -> t -> int64 * int

Return the sector on disk, plus a remainder within the sector

val to_bytes : t -> int64

Return the byte offset on disk

val to_cluster : cluster_bits:int -> t -> int64 * int

Return the cluster offset on disk, plus a remainder within the cluster

include Qcow_s.PRINTABLE with type t := t
val to_string : t -> string

Produce a pretty human-readable string from a value

include Qcow_s.SERIALISABLE with type t := t
val sizeof : t -> int

The size of a buffer needed to hold t

val read : Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t, [ `Msg of string ]) Result.result

Read a t from the given buffer and return it, along with the unused remainder of the buffer. If the buffer cannot be parsed then return an error.

val write : t -> Cstruct.t -> (Cstruct.t, [ `Msg of string ]) Result.result

Write a t into the given buffer. If the buffer is too small, then return an error. Return the unused remainder of the buffer.


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