package qcheck-stm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Derives a test framework from a state machine specification.

  • alert internal This module is exposed for internal uses only, its API may change at any time


module Spec : Spec


The resulting test framework derived from a state machine specification

val cmds_ok : Spec.state -> Spec.cmd list -> bool

A precondition checker (stops early, thanks to short-circuit Boolean evaluation). Accepts the initial state and the command sequence as parameters. cmds_ok catches and ignores exceptions arising from next_state.

val arb_cmds : Spec.state -> Spec.cmd list QCheck.arbitrary

A generator of command sequences. Accepts the initial state as parameter.

val consistency_test : count:int -> name:string -> QCheck.Test.t

A consistency test that generates a number of cmd sequences and checks that all contained cmds satisfy the precondition precond. Accepts two labeled parameters: count is the test count and name is the printed test name.

val interp_agree : Spec.state -> Spec.sut -> Spec.cmd list -> bool

Checks agreement between the model and the system under test (stops early, thanks to short-circuit Boolean evaluation).

val check_disagree : Spec.state -> Spec.sut -> Spec.cmd list -> (Spec.cmd * res) list option

check_disagree state sut pg checks that none of the commands present in pg violated the declared postconditions when pg is run in state. Return None if none of the commands violate its postcondition, and Some list corresponding to the prefix of pg ending with the cmd violating its postcondition.

val check_obs : (Spec.cmd * res) list -> (Spec.cmd * res) list -> (Spec.cmd * res) list -> Spec.state -> bool

check_obs pref cs1 cs2 s tests whether the observations from the sequential prefix pref and the parallel traces cs1 cs2 agree with the model started in state s.

val gen_cmds_size : (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> Spec.state -> int QCheck.Gen.t -> Spec.cmd list QCheck.Gen.t

gen_cmds_size arb state gen_int generates a program of size generated by gen_int using arb to generate cmds according to the current state. state is the starting state. gen_cmds_size catches and ignores generation-time exceptions arising from next_state.

val arb_cmds_triple : int -> int -> (Spec.cmd list * Spec.cmd list * Spec.cmd list) QCheck.arbitrary

arb_cmds_triple seq_len par_len generates a cmd triple with at most seq_len sequential commands and at most par_len parallel commands each. arb_cmds_triple catches and ignores generation-time exceptions arising from next_state.

val all_interleavings_ok : Spec.cmd list -> Spec.cmd list -> Spec.cmd list -> Spec.state -> bool

all_interleavings_ok seq spawn0 spawn1 state checks that preconditions of all the cmds of seq, spawn0, and spawn1 are satisfied in all the possible interleavings and starting with state. all_interleavings_ok catches and ignores exceptions arising from next_state.

val shrink_triple : (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> (Spec.cmd list * Spec.cmd list * Spec.cmd list) QCheck.Shrink.t

shrink_triple arb0 arb1 arb2 is a QCheck.Shrink.t for programs (triple of list of cmds) that is specialized for each part of the program.

val arb_triple : int -> int -> (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> (Spec.state -> Spec.cmd QCheck.arbitrary) -> (Spec.cmd list * Spec.cmd list * Spec.cmd list) QCheck.arbitrary

arb_triple seq_len par_len arb0 arb1 arb2 generates a cmd triple with at most seq_len sequential commands and at most par_len parallel commands each. The three cmd components are generated with arb0, arb1, and arb2, respectively. Each of these take the model state as a parameter. arb_triple catches and ignores generation-time exceptions arising from next_state.


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