package pyml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type pyobject = Py.Object.t
type funcptr
type funcent = funcptr * int * int * bool
type pymodule_func = {
  1. pyml_name : string;
  2. pyml_func : pyobject -> pyobject;
  3. pyml_flags : int;
  4. pyml_doc : string;
val py_profile_reset : unit -> unit
val py_profile_report : unit -> (string * float * float) array
val py_activate_profiling : unit -> bool
val py_deactivate_profiling : unit -> bool
type pyobject_type =
  1. | TupleType
  2. | BytesType
  3. | UnicodeType
  4. | BoolType
  5. | IntType
  6. | FloatType
  7. | ListType
  8. | NoneType
  9. | CallableType
  10. | ModuleType
  11. | ClassType
  12. | TypeType
  13. | DictType
  14. | NullType
  15. | CamlpillType
  16. | OtherType
  17. | EitherStringType
  18. | CamlpillSubtype of string
  19. | AnyType
type pyerror_type =
  1. | Pyerr_Exception
  2. | Pyerr_StandardError
  3. | Pyerr_ArithmeticError
  4. | Pyerr_LookupError
  5. | Pyerr_AssertionError
  6. | Pyerr_AttributeError
  7. | Pyerr_EOFError
  8. | Pyerr_EnvironmentError
  9. | Pyerr_FloatingPointError
  10. | Pyerr_IOError
  11. | Pyerr_ImportError
  12. | Pyerr_IndexError
  13. | Pyerr_KeyError
  14. | Pyerr_KeyboardInterrupt
  15. | Pyerr_MemoryError
  16. | Pyerr_NameError
  17. | Pyerr_NotImplementedError
  18. | Pyerr_OSError
  19. | Pyerr_OverflowError
  20. | Pyerr_ReferenceError
  21. | Pyerr_RuntimeError
  22. | Pyerr_SyntaxError
  23. | Pyerr_SystemExit
  24. | Pyerr_TypeError
  25. | Pyerr_ValueError
  26. | Pyerr_ZeroDivisionError
exception Pycaml_exn of pyerror_type * string
val pytype : pyobject -> pyobject_type
val py_initialize : unit -> unit
val py_finalize : unit -> unit
val pywrap_value : 'a -> pyobject
val pyunwrap_value : pyobject -> 'a
val py_repr : pyobject -> string
val pylist_fromarray : pyobject array -> pyobject
val pylist_toarray : pyobject -> pyobject array
val pylist_set : pyobject -> int -> pyobject -> unit
val pylist_get : pyobject -> int -> pyobject
val pyrefcount : pyobject -> int
val pywrap_closure_docstring : string -> (pyobject -> pyobject) -> pyobject
val pytype_name : pyobject_type -> string
val python_last_value : unit -> pyobject
val py_true : unit -> pyobject
val py_false : unit -> pyobject
val py_is_true : pyobject -> bool
val register_for_python : (string * pyobject) array -> unit
val register_pre_functions_for_python : (string * (string -> pyobject)) array -> unit
val float_array_to_python : float array -> pyobject
val int_array_to_python : int array -> pyobject
val py_float_tensor : ?init:(int array -> float) -> int array -> pyobject * (int array -> pyobject -> unit)
val py_homogeneous_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> string -> (pyobject -> bool) -> (pyobject -> 'a) -> pyobject -> 'a array
val py_float_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> pyobject -> float array
val py_number_list_as_float_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> pyobject -> float array
val py_int_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> pyobject -> int array
val py_string_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> pyobject -> string array
val py_list_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> pyobject -> pyobject array
val py_list_list_as_array2 : ?error_label:string -> ?length:int -> pyobject -> pyobject array array
val py_float_list_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length_outer:int -> ?length_inner:int -> pyobject -> float array array
val py_number_list_list_as_float_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length_outer:int -> ?length_inner:int -> pyobject -> float array array
val py_int_list_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length_outer:int -> ?length_inner:int -> pyobject -> int array array
val py_string_list_list_as_array : ?error_label:string -> ?length_outer:int -> ?length_inner:int -> pyobject -> string array array
val unpythonizing_function : ?name:string -> ?catch_weird_exceptions:bool -> ?extra_guards:(pyobject -> string option) array -> ?expect_tuple:bool -> pyobject_type array -> (pyobject array -> 'a) -> pyobject -> 'a
val pythonize_string : string -> pyobject
val unpythonize_string : pyobject -> string
val python_interfaced_function : ?name:string -> ?catch_weird_exceptions:bool -> ?doc:string -> ?extra_guards:(pyobject -> string option) array -> pyobject_type array -> (pyobject array -> pyobject) -> pyobject
val python_pre_interfaced_function : ?catch_weird_exceptions:bool -> ?doc:string -> ?extra_guards:(pyobject -> string option) array -> pyobject_type array -> (pyobject array -> pyobject) -> string -> pyobject
val register_ocamlpill_types : string array -> unit
val ocamlpill_type_of : pyobject -> string
val pill_type_mismatch_exception : ?position:'a -> ?exn_name:string -> string -> string -> exn
val check_pill_type : ?position:'a -> ?exn_name:string -> string -> pyobject -> unit
val make_ocamlpill_wrapper_unwrapper : string -> 'a -> ('a -> pyobject) * (pyobject -> 'a)
val make_pill_wrapping : string -> 'a -> ('a -> pyobject) * (pyobject -> 'a)
val py_optionally : (pyobject -> 'a) -> pyobject -> 'a option
val guarded_pyint_asint : pyobject -> int
val guarded_pyfloat_asfloat : pyobject -> float
val guarded_pynumber_asfloat : pyobject -> float
val guarded_pybytes_asstring : pyobject -> string
val guarded_pylist_toarray : pyobject -> pyobject array
val guarded_pytuple_toarray : pyobject -> pyobject array
val pycallable_asfun : pyobject -> pyobject array -> pyobject
val ocamlpill_hard_unwrap : pyobject -> 'a
val set_python_argv : string array -> unit
val python_eval : string -> int
val python_load : string -> unit
val python : unit -> int
val ipython : unit -> int
val pyerr_print : unit -> unit
val py_exit : int -> unit
val pyerr_printex : int -> unit
val py_setprogramname : string -> unit
val py_setpythonhome : string -> unit
val py_isinitialized : unit -> int
val pyrun_simplestring : string -> int
val pyrun_anyfile : (int * string) -> int
val pyrun_simplefile : (int * string) -> int
val pyrun_interactiveone : (int * string) -> int
val pyrun_interactiveloop : (int * string) -> int
val py_fdisinteractive : (int * string) -> int
val pyrun_anyfileex : (int * string * int) -> int
val pyrun_simplefileex : (int * string * int) -> int
val py_getprogramname : unit -> string
val py_getpythonhome : unit -> string
val py_getprogramfullpath : unit -> string
val py_getprefix : unit -> string
val py_getexecprefix : unit -> string
val py_getpath : unit -> string
val py_getversion : unit -> string
val py_getplatform : unit -> string
val py_getcopyright : unit -> string
val py_getcompiler : unit -> string
val py_getbuildinfo : unit -> string
val pyrun_string : (string * int * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyrun_file : (int * string * int * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyrun_fileex : (int * string * int * pyobject * pyobject * int) -> pyobject
val py_compilestring : (string * string * int) -> pyobject
val pyobject_print : (pyobject * int * int) -> int
val pyobject_repr : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyobject_str : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyobject_unicode : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyobject_richcompare : (pyobject * pyobject * int) -> pyobject
val pyobject_getattrstring : (pyobject * string) -> pyobject
val pyobject_getattr : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyobject_istrue : pyobject -> int
val pyobject_not : pyobject -> int
val pycallable_check : pyobject -> int
val pyobject_hasattr : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pyobject_richcomparebool : (pyobject * pyobject * int) -> int
val pyobject_setattrstring : (pyobject * string * pyobject) -> int
val pyobject_hasattrstring : (pyobject * string) -> int
val pyobject_compare : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pyobject_setattr : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pyobject_hash : pyobject -> int64
val pybytes_size : pyobject -> int
val pystring_size : pyobject -> int
val pybytes_asstring : pyobject -> string
val pystring_asstring : pyobject -> string
val pybytes_asstringandsize : pyobject -> string
val pystring_asstringandsize : pyobject -> string
val pybytes_fromstring : string -> pyobject
val pystring_fromstring : string -> pyobject
val pybytes_format : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pystring_format : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyunicode_asutf8string : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyunicode_asutf16string : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyunicode_asutf32string : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyunicode_decodeutf8 : (string * string option) -> pyobject
val pyunicode_decodeutf16 : (string * string option * int option) -> pyobject
val pyunicode_decodeutf32 : (string * string option * int option) -> pyobject
val pyunicode_fromunicode : (int -> int) -> int -> pyobject
val pyunicode_asunicode : pyobject -> int array
val pyunicode_getsize : pyobject -> int
val pydict_new : unit -> pyobject
val pydict_getitem : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pydict_setitem : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pydict_delitem : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pydict_clear : pyobject -> unit
val pydict_keys : pyobject -> pyobject
val pydict_values : pyobject -> pyobject
val pydict_items : pyobject -> pyobject
val pydict_copy : pyobject -> pyobject
val pydict_size : pyobject -> int
val pydict_getitemstring : (pyobject * string) -> pyobject
val pydict_delitemstring : (pyobject * string) -> int
val pydict_setitemstring : (pyobject * string * pyobject) -> int
val pyint_fromlong : int64 -> pyobject
val pyint_aslong : pyobject -> int64
val pyint_getmax : unit -> int64
val pyfloat_fromdouble : float -> pyobject
val pyfloat_asdouble : pyobject -> float
val pymodule_new : string -> pyobject
val pymodule_getdict : pyobject -> pyobject
val pymodule_getname : pyobject -> string
val pymodule_getfilename : pyobject -> string
val pytuple_new : int -> pyobject
val pytuple_size : pyobject -> int
val pytuple_getitem : (pyobject * int) -> pyobject
val pytuple_setitem : (pyobject * int * pyobject) -> int
val pytuple_getslice : (pyobject * int * int) -> pyobject
val pyslice_new : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyerr_setnone : pyobject -> unit
val pyerr_setobject : (pyobject * pyobject) -> unit
val pyerr_setstring : (pyobject * string) -> unit
val pyerr_occurred : unit -> pyobject
val pyerr_clear : unit -> unit
val pyerr_fetch : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject * pyobject * pyobject
val pyerr_restore : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> unit
val pyerr_givenexceptionmatches : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pyerr_exceptionmatches : pyobject -> int
val pyerr_normalizeexception : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject * pyobject * pyobject
val pyclass_new : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyinstance_new : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyinstance_newraw : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pymethod_new : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pymethod_function : pyobject -> pyobject
val pymethod_self : pyobject -> pyobject
val pymethod_class : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyimport_getmagicnumber : unit -> int64
val pyimport_execcodemodule : (pyobject * string) -> pyobject
val pyimport_execcodemoduleex : (string * pyobject * string) -> pyobject
val pyimport_getmoduledict : unit -> pyobject
val pyimport_addmodule : string -> pyobject
val pyimport_importmodule : string -> pyobject
val pyimport_importmoduleex : (string * pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyimport_import : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyimport_reloadmodule : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyimport_cleanup : unit -> unit
val pyimport_importfrozenmodule : string -> int
val pyeval_callobjectwithkeywords : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyeval_callobject : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyeval_getbuiltins : unit -> pyobject
val pyeval_getglobals : unit -> pyobject
val pyeval_getlocals : unit -> pyobject
val pyeval_getrestricted : unit -> int
val pyobject_type : pyobject -> pyobject
val pyobject_size : pyobject -> int
val pyobject_getitem : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyobject_setitem : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pyobject_delitem : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pyobject_ascharbuffer : pyobject -> string
val pyobject_asreadbuffer : pyobject -> string
val pyobject_aswritebuffer : pyobject -> string
val pynumber_check : pyobject -> int
val pynumber_add : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_subtract : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_multiply : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_truedivide : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_floordivide : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_divide : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_remainder : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_divmod : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_power : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_negative : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_positive : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_absolute : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_invert : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_lshift : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_rshift : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_and : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_xor : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_or : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_int : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_long : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_float : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceadd : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacesubtract : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacemultiply : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacetruedivide : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacefloordivide : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacedivide : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceremainder : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacelshift : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacershift : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceand : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacexor : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplaceor : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pynumber_inplacepower : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pysequence_check : pyobject -> int
val pysequence_size : pyobject -> int
val pysequence_length : pyobject -> int
val pysequence_concat : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pysequence_repeat : (pyobject * int) -> pyobject
val pysequence_getitem : (pyobject * int) -> pyobject
val pysequence_getslice : (pyobject * int * int) -> pyobject
val pysequence_setitem : (pyobject * int * pyobject) -> int
val pysequence_delitem : (pyobject * int) -> int
val pysequence_setslice : (pyobject * int * int * pyobject) -> int
val pysequence_delslice : (pyobject * int * int) -> int
val pysequence_tuple : pyobject -> pyobject
val pysequence_list : pyobject -> pyobject
val pysequence_fast : (pyobject * string) -> pyobject
val pysequence_count : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pysequence_contains : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pysequence_in : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pysequence_index : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pysequence_inplaceconcat : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pysequence_inplacerepeat : (pyobject * int) -> pyobject
val pymapping_check : pyobject -> int
val pymapping_size : pyobject -> int
val pymapping_length : pyobject -> int
val pymapping_haskeystring : (pyobject * string) -> int
val pymapping_haskey : (pyobject * pyobject) -> int
val pymapping_getitemstring : (pyobject * string) -> pyobject
val pymapping_setitemstring : (pyobject * string * pyobject) -> int
val pyiter_check : pyobject -> int
val pyiter_next : pyobject -> pyobject
val pynull : unit -> pyobject
val pynone : unit -> pyobject
val pytuple_fromarray : pyobject array -> pyobject
val pytuple_fromsingle : pyobject -> pyobject
val pytuple_empty : pyobject
val pytuple2 : (pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pytuple3 : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pytuple4 : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pytuple5 : (pyobject * pyobject * pyobject * pyobject * pyobject) -> pyobject
val pyint_fromint : int -> pyobject
val pyint_asint : pyobject -> int
val pytuple_toarray : pyobject -> pyobject array
val pywrap_closure : (pyobject -> pyobject) -> pyobject

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