package prom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module SMap : Map.S with type key := string
module FSet : Set.S with type elt := float
module FMap : Map.S with type key := float
module KLL : sig ... end
type 'a complex = {
  1. count : int;
  2. sum : float;
  3. data : 'a;
type histogram = int FMap.t complex
type summary = (KLL.t * FSet.t) complex
val cumulate : int FMap.t -> int FMap.t

cumulate hist is the cumulative histogram of hist, suitable to ingestion by Prometheus.

val complex_cum_fmap : int -> float -> int FMap.t -> histogram

complex_cum count sum data is a complex value constructed from count, sum and data where data is a cumulated histogram or CDF.

val complex_cum : int -> float -> (float * int) list -> histogram

complex_cum count sum data is a complex value constructed from count, sum and data where data is a cumulated histogram or CDF.

val complex : int -> float -> (float * int) list -> histogram

complex count sum data is a complex value constructed from count, sum and data where data is a non-cumulated histogram.

module LabelsMap : Map.S with type key := string SMap.t

A kv map (label) uniquely identifying a time series.

type 'a metric = 'a series LabelsMap.t

Type of a metric. A metric associates a time series to a set of labels.

and 'a series = {
  1. ts : Ptime.t option;
  2. v : 'a;

Type of a time series. Contains an optional timestamp.

val create_series : ?ts:Ptime.t -> 'a -> 'a series
type t

Type of a Prometheus metric. Contains a name, an optional help text, a type, and labels associated to a value.

val add_labels : (string * string) list -> t -> t

add_labels labels t will add labels to all series in t.

val merge : t -> t -> t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val pp_list : t list Fmt.t
val counter : ?help:string -> string -> ((string * string) list * float series) list -> t
val gauge : ?help:string -> string -> ((string * string) list * float series) list -> t
val histogram : ?help:string -> string -> ((string * string) list * histogram series) list -> t
val summary : ?help:string -> string -> ((string * string) list * summary series) list -> t

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