package progress

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A library for displaying progress bars, including support for rendering multiple bars at once. Start by describing of a set of progress bars, then begin rendering them to get access to their respective reporting functions.

See Progress_unix for access to Unix-specific utilities.


type 'a t

The type of progress bars with reporting functions of type 'a. You'll get access to the reporting functions when beginning the rendering process.

val counter : total:int64 -> ?mode:[ `ASCII | `UTF8 ] -> ?message:string -> ?pp:(int64, int64 Segment.t) Units.pp_fixed -> ?width:int -> ?sampling_interval:int -> unit -> (int64 -> unit) t

counter ~total () is a progress bar of the form:

<message?>  <count?>  [########..............................]  XX% 

where each reported value contributes cumulatively towards an eventual total of total. Optional parameters are as follows:

  • ?mode specifies whether to use a UTF-8 or an ASCII encoding for the progress bar. The UTF-8 encoding shows a higher resolution of progress, but may not be supported in all terminals. The default is `ASCII.
  • ?pp is used to pretty-print the <count> segment, if passed. For example, Units.bytes can be used for totals measured in bytes. The default is to not display this segment.
  • ?width is the width of the bar in columns. Defaults to the width of stdout, if it is a terminal.
  • ?sampling_interval specifies the number of reported values that must be passed for each update of the display (not including the update during finalisation, which always occurs). This is useful when progress is being reported from a hot-loop, where the cost of re-displaying the progress bar is non-negligible. The default value is 1, meaning that all updates are displayed immediately.

See Progress_unix.counter for an equivalent that contains a timer.

module Segment : sig ... end

Segment contains a DSL for defining custom progress bars.

val make : init:'a -> 'a Segment.t -> ('a -> unit) t

Define a new progress bar from a specification, with the given initial value.

Multiple progress bars

val (/) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Stack progress bars vertically. a / b is a set with a stacked on top of b. The two bars have separate reporting functions (supplied as a pair).


val with_reporters : ?ppf:Format.formatter -> 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b

Render a set of progress bars inside a continuation.

  • parameter ppf

    Defaults to Format.err_formatter if stderr is a TTY, and is a noop formatter otherwise.

Functions for explicitly starting and stopping the process of rendering a bar; useful when the code doing the progress reporting cannot be conveniently delimited inside with_display. All displays must be properly finalised, and it is not possible to interleave rendering of displays.

type display
val start : ?ppf:Format.formatter -> 'a t -> 'a * display
val finalise : display -> unit


module Units : sig ... end

Helpers for printing values of various units.

module Internal : sig ... end

Internals of the library exported to be used in sibling packages and in testing. Not intended for public consumption, and does not provide a stable API.


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