package printbox

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Pretty-Printing of nested Boxes

Allows to print nested boxes, lists, arrays, tables in a nice way on any monospaced support.

 # let b = PrintBox.(
       (vlist [ line "hello";
                hlist [line "world"; line "yolo"]])
 val b : t = <abstr>

 # PrintBox_text.output ~indent:2 stdout b;;
   |hello     |
 - : unit = ()

 # let b2 = PrintBox.(
       (hlist [ text "I love\nto\npress\nenter";
                grid_text [| [|"a"; "bbb"|];
                             [|"c"; "hello world"|] |]])
 val b2 : PrintBox.t = <abstr>

 # PrintBox_text.output stdout b2;;
 |I love|a|bbb        |
 |to    |-+-----------|
 |press |c|hello world|
 |enter | |           |

- : unit = ()

Since 0.3 there is also basic support for coloring text:

# let b = PrintBox.(
      (vlist [ line_with_style Style.(bg_color Green) "hello";
               hlist [line "world"; line_with_style Style.(fg_color Red) "yolo"]])
val b : t = <abstr>
type position = {
  1. x : int;
  2. y : int;

Positions are relative to the upper-left corner, that is, when x increases we go toward the right, and when y increases we go toward the bottom (same order as a printer)

module Style : sig ... end

Box Combinators

type t

Main type for a document composed of nested boxes.

  • since 0.2 the type [t] is opaque
type ext = ..

Extensions of the representation.

  • since 0.12
type view = private
  1. | Empty
  2. | Text of {
    1. l : string list;
    2. style : Style.t;
  3. | Frame of {
    1. sub : t;
    2. stretch : bool;
  4. | Pad of position * t
  5. | Align of {
    1. h : [ `Left | `Center | `Right ];
    2. v : [ `Top | `Center | `Bottom ];
    3. inner : t;

    Alignment within the surrounding box

  6. | Grid of [ `Bars | `None ] * t array array
  7. | Tree of int * t * t array
  8. | Anchor of {
    1. id : string;
    2. inner : t;
  9. | Ext of {
    1. key : string;
    2. ext : ext;

The type view can be used to observe the inside of the box, now that t is opaque.

  • since 0.3 added [Align]
  • since 0.5 added [Link]
  • since 0.11 added [Anchor]
  • since 0.12 added [Stretch]
val view : t -> view

Observe the content of the box.

  • since 0.2

A box, either empty, containing directly text, or a table or tree of sub-boxes

val empty : t

Empty box, of size 0

val line : string -> t

Make a single-line box.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the string contains '\n'

val text : string -> t

Any text, possibly with several lines

val sprintf : ('a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, t) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Formatting for text

val asprintf : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, t) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Formatting for text.

  • since 0.2
val lines : string list -> t

Shortcut for text, with a list of lines. lines l is the same as text (String.concat "\n" l).

val int_ : int -> t
val bool_ : bool -> t
val float_ : float -> t
val int : int -> t
  • since 0.2
val bool : bool -> t
  • since 0.2
val float : float -> t
  • since 0.2
val frame : ?stretch:bool -> t -> t

Put a single frame around the box.

  • parameter stretch

    if true (default false), the frame expands to fill the available space. Present since 0.12

val pad : t -> t

Pad the given box with some free space

val pad' : col:int -> lines:int -> t -> t

Pad with the given number of free cells for lines and columns

val vpad : int -> t -> t

Pad vertically by n spaces

val hpad : int -> t -> t

Pad horizontally by n spaces

val align : h:[ `Left | `Right | `Center ] -> v:[ `Top | `Bottom | `Center ] -> t -> t

Control alignment of the given box wrt its surrounding box, if any.

  • parameter h

    horizontal alignment

  • parameter v

    vertical alignment

  • since 0.3
val align_right : t -> t

Left-pad to the size of the surrounding box, as in align ~h:`Right ~v:`Top

  • since 0.3
val align_bottom : t -> t

Align to the bottom, as in align ~h:`Left ~v:`Bottom

  • since 0.3
val align_bottom_right : t -> t

Align to the right and to the bottom, as in align ~h:`Right ~v:`Bottom

  • since 0.3
val center_h : t -> t

Horizontal center, as in .

  • since 0.3
val center_v : t -> t

Vertical center.

  • since 0.3
val center_hv : t -> t

Try to center within the surrounding box, as in align ~h:`Center ~v:`Center

  • since 0.3
val grid : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> t array array -> t

Grid of boxes (no frame between boxes). The matrix is indexed with lines first, then columns. The array must be a proper matrix, that is, all lines must have the same number of columns!

  • parameter pad

    used to pad each cell (for example with vpad or hpad), default doesn't do anything

  • parameter bars

    if true, each item of the grid will be framed. default value is true

val grid_text : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> string array array -> t

Same as grid, but wraps every cell into a text box

val transpose : 'a array array -> 'a array array

Transpose a matrix

val init_grid : ?bars:bool -> line:int -> col:int -> (line:int -> col:int -> t) -> t

Same as grid but takes the matrix as a function

val grid_l : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> t list list -> t

Same as grid but from lists.

  • since 0.3
val grid_text_l : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> string list list -> t

Same as grid_text but from lists.

  • since 0.3
val record : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> (string * t) list -> t

A record displayed as a table, each field being a columng (label,value).

# frame @@ record ["a", int 1; "b", float 3.14; "c", bool true];;
- : t = +-----------+
        |a|b   |c   |
  • since 0.3
val v_record : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> (string * t) list -> t

Like record, but printed vertically rather than horizontally.

# frame @@ v_record ["a", int 1; "b", float 3.14; "c", bool true];;
- : t = +------+
        |a|1   |
  • since 0.4
val vlist : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> t list -> t

Vertical list of boxes

val hlist : ?pad:(t -> t) -> ?bars:bool -> t list -> t

Horizontal list of boxes

val grid_map : ?bars:bool -> ('a -> t) -> 'a array array -> t
val grid_map_l : ?bars:bool -> ('a -> t) -> 'a list list -> t

Same as grid_map but with lists.

  • since 0.4
val vlist_map : ?bars:bool -> ('a -> t) -> 'a list -> t
val hlist_map : ?bars:bool -> ('a -> t) -> 'a list -> t
val tree : ?indent:int -> t -> t list -> t

Tree structure, with a node label and a list of children nodes

val mk_tree : ?indent:int -> ('a -> t * 'a list) -> 'a -> t

Definition of a tree with a local function that maps nodes to their content and children

link ~uri inner points to the given URI, with the visible description being inner. Will render in HTML as a "<a>" element.

  • since 0.5
val anchor : id:string -> t -> t

anchor ~id inner provides an anchor with the given ID, with the visible hyperlink description being inner. Will render in HTML as an "<a>" element, and as a link in ANSI stylized text. If inner is non-empty, the rendered link URI is "#" ^ id.

  • since 0.11
val extension : key:string -> ext -> t

extension ~key ext embeds an extended representation ext as a box. ext must be recognized by the used backends as an extension registered under key.

  • since 0.12

Styling combinators

val line_with_style : Style.t -> string -> t

Like line but with additional styling.

  • since 0.3
val lines_with_style : Style.t -> string list -> t

Like lines but with additional styling.

  • since 0.3
val text_with_style : Style.t -> string -> t

Like text but with additional styling.

  • since 0.3
val sprintf_with_style : Style.t -> ('a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, t) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Formatting for text, with style

  • since 0.3
val asprintf_with_style : Style.t -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, t) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Formatting for text, with style.

  • since 0.3

Simple Structural Interface

type 'a ktree = unit -> [ `Nil | `Node of 'a * 'a ktree list ]
type box = t
module Simple : sig ... end

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