package prbnmcn-dagger-test

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Test resampling (used in SMC)


val initial_state : int array
val state : Dagger.RNG.t
val pp_arr : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'b array -> unit
module Rat : sig ... end
val uniform : Q.t -> Dagger.RNG.t -> Q.t

Instantiate resampling over the field of (arbitrary precision) rationals

module R : sig ... end
module Dist : sig ... end

Define a Q-valued measure generator for QCheck

val is_generator_normalized : QCheck.Test.t
val isum : int array -> int
val iterative_stratified_resampling : ?state:Dagger.RNG.t -> ?target:int -> R.particle array -> int array
val test_stratified_on_handcrafted : QCheck.Test.t
val test_iterative_stratified : QCheck.Test.t
val test_monadic_vs_iterative_stratified : QCheck.Test.t
val iterative_systematic_resampling : ?state:Dagger.RNG.t -> ?target:int -> R.particle array -> int array
val test_iterative_systematic : QCheck.Test.t
val test_monadic_vs_iterative_systematic : QCheck.Test.t
val test_list_vs_array_stratified : QCheck.Test.t
val test_list_vs_array_systematic : QCheck.Test.t
val test_systematic_on_small : QCheck.Test.t
val test_stratified_on_small : QCheck.Test.t
val tests : QCheck.Test.t list

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