package ppxlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type error =
  1. | Illegal_character of char
  2. | Illegal_escape of string
  3. | Unterminated_comment of Warnings.loc
  4. | Unterminated_string
  5. | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Warnings.loc * Warnings.loc
  6. | Keyword_as_label of string
  7. | Invalid_literal of string
  8. | Invalid_directive of string * string option
exception Error of error * Warnings.loc
val keyword_table : (string, Parser.token) Hashtbl.t
module Buffer : sig ... end
val string_buffer : Buffer.t
val reset_string_buffer : unit -> unit
val get_stored_string : unit -> string
val store_string_char : char -> unit
val store_string_utf_8_uchar : Uchar.t -> unit
val store_string : string -> unit
val store_lexeme : Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val string_start_loc : Warnings.loc ref
val comment_start_loc : Warnings.loc list ref
val in_comment : unit -> bool
val is_in_string : bool ref
val in_string : unit -> bool
val print_warnings : bool ref
val store_escaped_char : Lexing.lexbuf -> char -> unit
val store_escaped_uchar : Lexing.lexbuf -> Uchar.t -> unit
val with_comment_buffer : (Lexing.lexbuf -> Warnings.loc) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> string * Warnings.loc
val hex_digit_value : char -> int
val hex_num_value : Lexing.lexbuf -> first:int -> last:int -> int
val char_for_backslash : char -> char
val char_for_decimal_code : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> char
val char_for_octal_code : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> char
val char_for_hexadecimal_code : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> char
val uchar_for_uchar_escape : Lexing.lexbuf -> Uchar.t
val get_label_name : Lexing.lexbuf -> string
val update_loc : Lexing.lexbuf -> string option -> int -> bool -> int -> unit
val preprocessor : ((unit -> unit) * ((Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token)) option ref
val escaped_newlines : bool ref
val warn_latin1 : Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val handle_docstrings : bool ref
val comment_list : (string * Warnings.loc) list ref
val add_comment : (string * Warnings.loc) -> unit
val add_docstring_comment : Docstrings.docstring -> unit
val comments : unit -> (string * Warnings.loc) list
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val __ocaml_lex_tables : Stdlib.Lexing.lex_tables
val __ocaml_lex_token_rec : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> Parser.token
val directive : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
val __ocaml_lex_directive_rec : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> Parser.token
val comment : Lexing.lexbuf -> Warnings.loc
val __ocaml_lex_comment_rec : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> Warnings.loc
val string : Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val __ocaml_lex_string_rec : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> unit
val quoted_string : string -> Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val __ocaml_lex_quoted_string_rec : string -> Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> unit
val skip_hash_bang : Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
val __ocaml_lex_skip_hash_bang_rec : Lexing.lexbuf -> int -> unit
val token_with_comments : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
type newline_state =
  1. | NoLine
  2. | NewLine
  3. | BlankLine
type doc_state =
  1. | Initial
  2. | After of docstring list
  3. | Before of docstring list * docstring list * docstring list
and docstring = Docstrings.docstring
val init : unit -> unit
val set_preprocessor : (unit -> unit) -> ((Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> unit

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