package ppx_subliner

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

[@@deriving subliner] and [%%subliner]

[@@deriving] plugin to generate Cmdliner sub-commands groups, and rewriter to generate Cmdliner evaluations.


To use [@@deriving subliner] or [%%subliner], add (preprocess (pps ppx_subliner)) to the library or executable configuration in dune file.


Group of Sub-commands

A group of sub-commands can be generated by tagging [@@deriving subliner] to a variant type and providing a handling function for that variant.

For variant type params, function params_cmdliner_group_cmds with type (params -> 'a) -> 'a Cmdliner.Cmd.t list will be generated. Each constructor of the variant can only have one or no parameter. If a constructor has a parameter with type p, function p_cmdliner_term with type unit -> p Cmdliner.Term.t is required. The function can be either obtained by tagging a supported record with [@@deriving cmdliner] or constructed manually. Each constructor can be tagged with Attributes to modify the behavior the corresponding sub-command.

type foo = { my_arg : string }
val foo_cmdliner_term : unit -> foo Cmdliner.Term,t

type params =
  | Foo of foo
  | Bar
[@@deriving_inline subliner]
    [@@@ocaml.warning "-32"]
    val params_cmdliner_group_cmds : (params -> 'a) -> 'a Cmdliner.Cmd.t list
  end[@@ocaml.doc "@inline"]

The derived function can be used with [%%subliner.cmds] extension to generate Cmdliner evaluation. The extension can be tagged with Attributes and Default Term.t Attribute to modify the behavior the command line tool.

let handle = function
  | Foo { my_arg } -> print_endline ("Foo " ^ my_arg)
  | Bar -> print_endline "Bar"

[%%subliner.cmds eval.params <- handle]

Different evaluation function can be used and optional parameters can be applied.

[%%subliner.cmds (eval_result ~catch:false).params <- handle_result] Attributes

Attributes may be prefixed with subliner. to avoid conflicts with other extensions.


Set the name of the command. If not provided, the lower case of the constructor name will be used (i.e. constructor Foo will have name "foo" by default) for sub-commands, and the executable name will be used for command line tools.

type params = Foo [@name "my-cmd-name"]


Set the one line description of the command. If not provided, the doc string will be used.

type params = Foo (** This is a short description of My_cmd. *)


[@version], [@deprecated], [@docs], [@sdocs], [@exits], [@envs], [@envs], [@man] and [@man_xrefs] are also supported. For their exact usage, please refer to the documentation of

Default Term.t Attribute

For sub-command groups, [@@default] can be used to change the command line syntax to parse if no sub command is specified. By default, it will show the default help page.

let default = Cmdliner.Term.(ret (const (`Error (true, "Some error messages"))))

[%%subliner.cmds eval.params <- handle]
[@@default default]

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