package ppx_orakuda

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
ORakuda, Perlish string literals in OCaml


Dune Dependency






Ppx extension for string literals.

For functionality X, it provies {X|...|X}, [%X "..."] and [%X {|...|}].

  • PCRE expression and matching of Perl like syntax {m|...|m} using Pcre library.

open Ppx_orakuda.Regexp.Pcre.Literal
{m|regexp|m}               (*  /regexp/  *)
{s|pattern/template/g|s}   (* s/pattern/template/g; *) 
  • PCRE expression and matching of Perl like syntax {m|...|m} using Re library

open Ppx_orakuda.Regexp.Re_pcre.Literal
{m|regexp|m}               (*  /regexp/  *)
{s|pattern/template/g|s}   (* s/pattern/template/g; *) 
  • Variable and expression references in string {qq|...|qq}:

[%qq "Your are ${name} and %{age}02d years old."]
  • Sub-shell call by back-quotes {qx|...|qx}:

let status = {qx|wc|qx} ~f:handle_output in ...

Name of the project

ORakuda has two meanings in Japanese:

  • 大(O)駱駝(Rakuda): 大(big) 駱駝(dromedary/bactrian camel)

  • おお(Oh)楽だ(Rakuda): "Oh, it's easy!"

A good name for Perlish OCaml, isn't it ?

How to install


$ opam install orakuda

General syntax

ppx_orakuda provides the following syntax for each literal extension X:

  • {X|...|X}

  • [%X "..." ]

  • [%X {|...|} ]

Perl like PCRE {m|...|m}


    {m|regular expression|m}
    {m|regular expression/flags|m}

    flags ::= [imsxU8]*    8 is for UTF8

{m|...|m} expression creates a PCRE expression. You can write regexps more naturally than Pcre.create "..." where you have to escape '\' characters: Pcre.create "function\\(arg\\)" can be written more simply as {m|function\(arg\)|m}.

PCRE creation {m|...|m}

The type of {m|...|m} expression is not Pcre.regexp but 'a Regexp.t, where the type parameter 'a encodes accessor information of the regexp's groups. See GROUP OBJECT METHODS for details:

# {m|(hello)world(?P<name>[a-z]+)|m};;
- : < _0 : string; _1 : string; _2 : string; _group : int -> string;
      _groups : string array; _left : string;
      _named_group : string -> string;
      _named_groups : (string * string) list; _right : string;
      _unsafe_group : int -> string; name : string >

In non-toplevel environment, a regular expression by {m|...|m} is defined just ONCE at the top of the source file, no matter where it is declared. Therefore uses of {m|...|m} expressions inside frequently called functions have NO runtime penalty.


In Orakuda.Std.Regexp module, exec_exn, Infix.(=~) and exec are for simple regexp matching and return group objects if matches are successful. The matched groups can be retrieved through them:

# let res = "123 + variable12;;" =~ {m|([a-z_][_A-Za-z0-9]*)|m};;
val res :
< _0 : string; _1 : string; _group : int -> string; _groups : string array;
  _left : string; _named_group : string -> string;
  _named_groups : (string * string) list; _right : string;
  _unsafe_group : int -> string > =


_0 .. _9
Correspond with $0 .. $9 in Perl regexp match

_left, _right
Correspond with $`` and $'`

Accessor for named groups, defined by Python extension of named groups: (?P<name>regexp)

_named_gruop, _named_gruops, _unsafe_group More primitive group accessor methods

Perl like PCRE case match case s |> ( {m|...|m} ==> f ) ...


   case s 
   |> ( {m|...|m}  ==>  fun res -> ...)
   | ...
   |> ( {m|...|m}  ==>  fun res -> ...)
   |> default (fun () -> ...)

Module Orakuda.Std.Regexp.Infix provides case, (==>) and default which are useful to write down multiple regular expression pattern match cases. For example:

# open Orakuda.Std.Regep.Infix;;
# case "variable123" 
  |>  ( {m|^[0-9]+$|m}             ==> fun v -> `Int (int_of_string v#_0) )
  |>  ( {m|^[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$|m} ==> fun v -> `Variable v#_0 )
  |>  default  (fun () -> failwith "parse error");;
- : [> `Int of int | `Variable of string ] = `Variable "variable123"

Perl like PCRE substitution {s|.../...|s}


{s|regular expression/template|s}
{s|regular expression/template/flags|s}

Perl like sprintf. {qq|...|qq}



Short hand of Printf.sprintf "..." with inlined variable and expression embed by $-notation. It runs faster than Printf.sprintf, since the interpretation of the format string is done at compile time.


{qq|... $foo123 ...|qq} Equivalent to Printf.sprintf "... %s ..." foo123

[%qq "... ${Hashtbl.find tbl k} ..."] Equivalent to Printf.sprintf "... %s ..." (Hashtbl.find tbl k)

{qq|...%${var}02d...|qq} Equivalent to Printf.sprintf "...%02d..." var

{qq|...%s...%${var}02d...|qq} Equivalent to fun s -> Printf.sprintf "...%s...%02d..." s var

{qq|...\$...|qq} To have $, you must escape it.

Perl like sub-shell call {qx|...|qx}


{qx|command line|qx}

Sub-shell call of command line by a function Qx.command. For example:

{qx|cat file.txt >> dest.txt|qx}

This is the user's repsponsibility to define Qx.command in the current scope. Orakuda.Qx.command provides an example of such a function.