package ppx_make

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

[@@deriving make]

ppxlib based make deriver


To use [@@deriving make], add (preprocess (pps ppx_make)) to the library or executable configuration in dune file.


type my_type = {
  my_field : int;
  my_option : int option;
  my_list : int list;
  my_string : string;
  my_default : int; [@default 1024]
[@@deriving make]

(* the deriver will automatically generate the following function *)
val make_my_type :
  my_field:int ->
  ?my_option:int ->
  ?my_list:int list ->
  ?my_string:string ->
  ?my_default:int ->
  unit ->


When tagging supported types with [@@deriving make], make functions will be derived accordingly.

Supported Types


For a record type t, function make_t will be derived. By default, each field will be corresponded to a labeled argument, where the label is the same as the field name. If the field has type of option, list, array or string, the argument will be optional and have a default value of None, [], [||] or "". The function will finally take an unit and return the constructed t.

type t = {
  field : int;
  opt_field : int option;
  list_field : int list;
[@@deriving make]

val make_t : field:int -> ?opt_field:int -> ?list_field:int list -> unit -> t


For a tuple type t, function make_t will be derived. Each value in the tuple will be corresponded to a labeled argument. The first value will be corresponded to labeled argument v0, the second value to v1 and vice versa. The optionality of the arguments follows the same rule as that of the record. The function will finally take an unit and return the constructed t.

type t = int * int option * int list [@@deriving make]

val make_t : v0:int -> ?v1:int -> ?v2:int list -> unit -> t


For an option type t, function make_t will be derived. The function will take an optional argument ?value and an unit, and then return the constructed t.

type t = int option [@@deriving make]

val make_t : ?value:int -> unit -> t


For a variant type t, a make function will be derived for each case of the variant. For a case C in variant t, function make_c_of_t will be derived. If the case is constant, the function will only take an unit and return the constant immediately. In other cases, the signature of the function will follow the rules described above. For case with only 1 argument, it will be considered as a tuple of size 1. Inline record is also supported.

type t =
  | Constant
  | Tuple of int * int option
  | Record of {
      field : int;
      opt_field : int option;
[@@deriving make]

val make_constant_of_t : unit -> t
val make_tuple_of_t : v0:int -> ?v1:int -> unit -> t
val make_record_of_t : field:int -> ?opt_field:int -> unit -> t


Attributes may be used to alter the behavior of the derived make function.


Set the default value of a field, and make the corresponding labeled argument optional.

type t = { field : int [@default 42] } [@@deriving make]

val make_t : ?field:int -> unit -> t


Make the corresponding argument of an optional field (i.e. field: int option) required.

type t = { field : int option [@required] } [@@deriving make]

val make_t : field:int option -> unit -> t


(Only apply to record) Convert a labeled argument into a positional argument. The make function will no longer require the unit at the end. Multiple fields can be tagged with this attribute within a single record. The order of the arguments will be the same as that of the fields.

type t = { field : int option [@main] } [@@deriving make]

val make_t : int option -> t

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