package ppx_enumerate
Dune Dependency
Generate a list containing all values of a finite type.
is a ppx rewriter which generates a definition for the list of all values of a type with (for a type which only has finitely many values).
Basic Usage
The basic usage is simply to add "[@@deriving enumerate]" after the type definition. For example:
type t =
| Foo
| Bar of bool
| Baz of [`A | `B of unit option]
[@@deriving enumerate]
will produce a value val all : t list
, whose value is equal to
[ Foo; Bar true; Bar false; Baz `A; Baz (`B None); Baz (`B Some ()) ]
in some order (that is, there is no guarantee about the order of the list).
Polymorphic types
In a similar fashion as sexplib, using '[@@deriving enumerate]' on polymorphic types produces a function for [all]. For example,
type 'a t =
| Foo
| Bar of 'a option
[@@deriving enumerate]
will produce a value val all : 'a list -> 'a t list
, whose value is semantically equal to
fun all_of_a -> Foo :: Bar None :: all_of_a ~f:(fun x -> Bar (Some x))
Types not named t
If the type is not named t
, then the enumeration is called all_of_<type_name>
instead of all
Records and Tuples
Product types are supported as well as sum types. For example,
type t =
{ foo : [`A | `B]
; bar : [`C | `D]
} [@@deriving enumerate]
produces a val all : t list
whose value is equal (up to order) to:
[ { foo = `A; bar = `C }; { foo = `A; bar = `D };
{ foo = `B; bar = `C }; { foo = `B; bar = `D };
Tuples and variants with multiple arguments are similarly supported.
Overriding the all
Just like with sexplib, it can sometimes be useful to provide a custom value of all
. For example, you might define a type of bounded integers:
module Small_int : sig
type t = private int [@@deriving enumerate]
val create_exn : int -> t
end = struct
type t = int
let limit = 100
let create_exn i = if i < 0 || i >= limit then failwith "out of bounds"; i
let all = List.init limit ~f:(fun i -> i)
You could then use Small_int.t
as normal with other types using [@@deriving enumerate]
type t =
| Foo
| Bar of Small_int.t option
[@@deriving enumerate]
Using all
without defining a type name
You don't have to define a type name to be able to create the list of values of a type. You do it for any type expression by using the all
quotation. For example:
[%all: bool * bool]
which will evaluate to:
[ (true, true); (true, false); (false, false); (false, true) ]
Known issues
Using all
for polymorphic variants with duplicated constructors leads to duplicate values in the resulting lists:
type t = [ `A ] [@@deriving enumerate]
let () = assert ([%all: [ t | t ] ] = [ `A; `A ])