package picos_mux

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Basic single-threaded effects based Picos compatible scheduler for OCaml 5.

This scheduler uses a queue specifically optimized for a single-threaded scheduler to implement a basic FIFO scheduler. This scheduler also gives priority to fibers woken up due to being canceled.

🐌 Due to FIFO scheduling this scheduler performs poorly on highly parallel workloads.

ℹ️ See Picos_std_multififos for a multi-threaded variation of this scheduler.

ℹ️ This scheduler implementation is mostly meant as an example and for use in testing libraries implemented in Picos.

⚠️ This scheduler uses Picos_io_select internally. If running multiple threads that each run this scheduler, Picos_io_select.configure must be called by the main thread before creating other threads.

val run_fiber : ?quota:int -> ?fatal_exn_handler:(exn -> unit) -> Picos.Fiber.t -> (Picos.Fiber.t -> unit) -> unit

run_fiber fiber main runs the main program as the specified fiber and returns after main and all of the fibers spawned by main have returned.

The optional quota argument defaults to Int.max_int and determines the number of effects a fiber is allowed to perform before it is forced to yield.

val run : ?quota:int -> ?fatal_exn_handler:(exn -> unit) -> ?forbid:bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

run main is equivalent to calling run_fiber with a freshly created fiber and main wrapped to capture the result of main.

The optional forbid argument defaults to false and determines whether propagation of cancelation is initially allowed.


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