package picos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

An independent thread of execution.

A fiber corresponds to an independent thread of execution. Fibers are created by schedulers in response to Spawn effects. A fiber is associated with a computation and either forbids or permits the scheduler from propagating cancelation to it. A fiber also has an associated fiber local storage.

⚠️ Many operations on fibers can only be called safely from the fiber itself, because those operations are neither concurrency nor parallelism safe. Such operations can be safely called from a handler in a scheduler when it is handling an effect performed by the fiber. In particular, a scheduler can safely check whether the fiber has_forbidden cancelation and may access the FLS of the fiber.

Interface for rescheduling

val yield : unit -> unit

yield () asks the current fiber to be rescheduled.

ℹ️ The behavior is that

  • on OCaml 5, yield perform the Yield effect, and
  • on OCaml 4, yield will call the yield operation of the current handler.

Interface for spawning

val spawn : forbid:bool -> 'a Computation.t -> (unit -> unit) list -> unit

spawn ~forbid computation mains starts new fibers by performing the Spawn effect. The fibers will share the same computation and start with propagation of cancelation forbidden or permitted depending on the forbid flag.

ℹ️ Any computation, including the computation of the current fiber, may be passed as the computation for new fibers. Higher level libraries are free to implement the desired structuring principles.

⚠️ Behavior is undefined if any function in mains raises an exception. For example, raising an exception might terminate the whole application (recommended, but not required) or the exception might be ignored. In other words, the caller must arrange for the computation to be completed and errors reported in a desired manner.

ℹ️ The behavior is that

  • on OCaml 5, spawn performs the Spawn effect, and
  • on OCaml 4, spawn will call the spawn operation of the current handler.

Interface for current fiber

type t

Represents a fiber or an independent thread of execution.

⚠️ Unlike with most other concepts of Picos, operations on fibers are typically not concurrency or parallelism safe, because the fiber is considered to be owned by a single thread of execution.

type fiber := t

Type alias for Fiber.t within this signature.

val current : unit -> t

current () returns the current fiber.

⚠️ Extra care should be taken when storing the fiber object in any shared data structure, because, aside from checking whether two fibers are equal, or from accessing the associated computation, it is generally unsafe to perform any operations on foreign fibers.

ℹ️ The behavior is that

  • on OCaml 5, current performs the Current effect, and
  • on OCaml 4, current will call the current operation of the current handler.

⚠️ The current operation must always resume the fiber without propagating cancelation. A scheduler may, of course, decide to reschedule the current fiber to be resumed later.

val has_forbidden : t -> bool

has_forbidden fiber determines whether the fiber forbids or permits the scheduler from propagating cancelation to it.

ℹ️ This is mostly useful in the effect handlers of schedulers.

⚠️ There is no "reference count" of how many times a fiber has forbidden or permitted propagation of cancelation. Calls to forbid and permit directly change a single boolean flag.

⚠️ It is only safe to call has_forbidden from the fiber itself.

val forbid : t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

forbid fiber thunk tells the scheduler that cancelation must not be propagated to the fiber during the execution of thunk.

The main use case of forbid is the implementation of concurrent abstractions that may have to await for something, or may need to perform other effects, and must not be canceled while doing so. For example, the wait operation on a condition variable typically reacquires the associated mutex before returning, which may require awaiting for the owner of the mutex to release it.

ℹ️ forbid does not prevent the fiber or the associated computation from being canceled. It only tells the scheduler not to propagate cancelation to the fiber.

⚠️ It is only safe to call forbid from the fiber itself.

val permit : t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

permit fiber thunk tells the scheduler that cancelation may be propagated to the fiber during the execution of thunk.

It is possible to spawn a fiber with cancelation forbidden, which means that cancelation won't be propagated to fiber unless it is explicitly permitted by the fiber at some point.

⚠️ It is only safe to call permit from the fiber itself.

val is_canceled : t -> bool

is_canceled fiber is equivalent to

not (Fiber.has_forbidden fiber) &&
let (Packed computation) =
  Fiber.computation fiber
Computation.is_canceled computation

ℹ️ This is mostly useful in the effect handlers of schedulers.

⚠️ It is only safe to call is_canceled from the fiber itself.

val canceled : t -> Exn_bt.t option

canceled fiber is equivalent to:

if Fiber.has_forbidden fiber then
  let (Packed computation) =
    Fiber.computation fiber
  Computation.canceled computation

ℹ️ This is mostly useful in the effect handlers of schedulers.

⚠️ It is only safe to call canceled from the fiber itself.

val check : t -> unit

check fiber is equivalent to:

if not (Fiber.has_forbidden fiber) then
  let (Packed computation) =
    Fiber.computation fiber
  Computation.check computation

ℹ️ This is mostly useful for periodically polling the cancelation status during CPU intensive work.

⚠️ It is only safe to call check from the fiber itself.

val exchange : t -> forbid:bool -> bool

exchange fiber ~forbid sets the bit that tells the scheduler whether to propagate cancelation or not and returns the previous state.

val set : t -> forbid:bool -> unit

set fiber ~forbid sets the bit that tells the scheduler whether to propagate cancelation or not.

module FLS : sig ... end

Fiber local storage

Interface for foreign fiber

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal fiber1 fiber2 is physical equality for fibers, i.e. it determines whether fiber1 and fiber2 are one and the same fiber.

ℹ️ One use case of equal is in the implementation of concurrent primitives like mutexes where it makes sense to check that acquire and release operations are performed by the same fiber.

val computation : t -> Computation.packed

computation fiber returns the computation that the fiber has been created with.

val try_attach : t -> Trigger.t -> bool

try_attach fiber trigger is equivalent to let Packed c = computation fiber in Computation.try_attach c trigger.

val detach : t -> Trigger.t -> unit

detach fiber trigger is equivalent to let Packed c = computation fiber in Computation.detach c trigger.

module Maybe : sig ... end

An unboxed optional fiber.

Interface for schedulers

val create : forbid:bool -> 'a Computation.t -> t

create ~forbid computation creates a new fiber.

val try_suspend : t -> Trigger.t -> 'x -> 'y -> (Trigger.t -> 'x -> 'y -> unit) -> bool

try_suspend fiber trigger x y resume tries to suspend the fiber to await for the trigger to be signaled. If the result is false, then the trigger is guaranteed to be in the signaled state and the fiber should be eventually resumed. If the result is true, then the fiber was suspended, meaning that the trigger will have had the resume action attached to it and the trigger has potentially been attached to the computation of the fiber.

val unsuspend : t -> Trigger.t -> bool

unsuspend fiber trigger makes sure that the trigger will not be attached to the computation of the fiber. Returns false in case the fiber has been canceled and propagation of cancelation is not forbidden. Otherwise returns true.

⚠️ The trigger must be in the signaled state!

val resume : t -> (Exn_bt.t option, 'r) Effect.Deep.continuation -> 'r

resume fiber k is equivalent to Effect.Deep.continue k (Fiber.canceled t).

val resume_with : t -> (Exn_bt.t option, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('b, 'r) Effect.Shallow.handler -> 'r

resume_with fiber k h is equivalent to Effect.Shallow.continue_with k (Fiber.canceled t) h.

val continue : t -> ('v, 'r) Effect.Deep.continuation -> 'v -> 'r

continue fiber k v is equivalent to:

match Fiber.canceled fiber with
| None -> Effect.Deep.continue k v
| Some exn_bt -> Exn_bt.discontinue k exn_bt
val continue_with : t -> ('v, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> 'v -> ('b, 'r) Effect.Shallow.handler -> 'r

continue_with fiber k v h is equivalent to:

match Fiber.canceled fiber with
| None -> Effect.Shallow.continue_with k v h
| Some exn_bt -> Exn_bt.discontinue_with k exn_bt h
type Effect.t += private
  1. | Current : t Effect.t

Schedulers may handle the Current effect to customize the behavior of current.

⚠️ A handler should eventually resume the fiber without propagating cancelation. A scheduler may, of course, decide to reschedule the current fiber to be resumed later.

Note that in typical use cases of current it makes sense to give priority to the fiber performing Current, but this is not required.

type Effect.t += private
  1. | Yield : unit Effect.t

Schedulers may handle the Yield effect to customize the behavior of yield.

Just like with Current, a handler should either continue or discontinue the fiber, but, unlike with Current, the scheduler should give priority to running other ready fibers before resuming the fiber performing Yield.

type Effect.t += private
  1. | Spawn : {
    1. forbid : bool;
    2. computation : 'a Computation.t;
    3. mains : (unit -> unit) list;
    } -> unit Effect.t

Schedulers may handle the Spawn effect to customize the behavior of spawn.

The scheduler is free to run the newly created fibers on any domain and decide which fiber to give priority to.

Design rationale

The idea is that fibers correspond 1-to-1 with independent threads of execution. This allows a fiber to non-atomically store state related to a thread of execution.

The status of whether propagation of cancelation is forbidden or permitted could be stored in the fiber local storage. The justification for storing it directly with the fiber is that the implementation of some key synchronization and communication mechanisms, such as condition variables, requires the capability.

No integer fiber id is provided by default. It would seem that for most intents and purposes the identity of the fiber is sufficient. Fiber local storage can be used to implement a fiber id or e.g. a fiber hash.

The fiber local storage is designed for the purpose of extending fibers and to be as fast as possible. It is not intended for application programming.

Yield is provided as a separate effect to specifically communicate the intent that the current fiber should be rescheduled. This allows all the other effect handlers more freedom in choosing which fiber to schedule next.


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