Module type
Class type
Picasso is an Abstract element drawing library. It handles most of the boilerplate you usually write to draw abstract elements and allows you to view those.
module Colors : sig ... end
Colors handling
module Drawable : sig ... end
Module of drawable abstractions
module Rendering : sig ... end
Module for 2d drawing of abstract elements, handles the 'camera' settings, 2D projection, and some graphical options
module Rendering3d : sig ... end
Module for 3D model generation of abstract elements
raised by rendering function when a backend is not installed or when an internal error occurs
val show : Rendering.t -> unit
Main drawing function. Displays a Rendering.t using one of the backend available. It first tries with gtk, and if lablgtk is not installed, retries using graphics. If none of the backend is installed, outputs a .svg file in the current directory, named after the title of the window if specified, otherwise name "picassonumber
val to_latex : ?tikz_only:bool -> Rendering.t -> string -> unit
Outputs a tex file with a tikz figure corresponding to a Rendering.t. If the tikz_only option is set to false (default is true), it outputs the full tex document and not only the tikz figure
val to_svg : Rendering.t -> string -> unit
Outputs a svg file with a figure corresponding to a Rendering.t
val to_obj : Rendering3d.t -> string -> unit
Builds an obj file corresponding to a Rendering3D context
val in_gtk_canvas : Rendering.t -> unit
Displays a Rendering.t within a scrollable, zoomable gtk canvas.
val in_graphics_canvas : Rendering.t -> unit
Displays a Rendering.t within a graphics window. The window created can be exited cleanly by pressing any key.