package piaf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type common = [
  1. | `Exn of exn
  2. | `Protocol_error of H2.Error_code.t * string
  3. | `Msg of string
type client = [
  1. | `Invalid_response_body_length of H2.Status.t * Headers.t
  2. | `Malformed_response of string
  3. | `Connect_error of string
  4. | common
type server = [
  1. | `Bad_gateway
  2. | `Bad_request
  3. | `Internal_server_error
  4. | common
type t = [
  1. | common
  2. | client
  3. | server
val to_string : t -> string
val pp_hum : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.