package phylogenetics

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Phylogenetic inference by parcimony

The Fitch algorithm is a method used in phylogenetics to infer ancestral states of characters (e.g., genetic traits) on a given evolutionary tree. It assigns category indices to the nodes of the tree based on the observed states at the leaf nodes and the inferred states at the internal nodes.

The algorithm has two steps:

  • forward which performs a first pass an input tree, computing annotating each node with the minimal cost for the corresponding subtree for each possible choice of the node category
  • backward which uses costs computed at the forward pass to select the category with minimal cost
val forward : ?cost:(int -> int -> float) -> n:int -> category:('l -> int option) -> ('n, 'l, 'b) Tree.t -> float array * ('n * int List1.t array, 'l, 'b) Tree.t

forward ?cost ~n ~category t performs the forward pass of the Fitch algorithm on a given tree.

  • ?cost is an optional cost function that takes two integers representing categories and returns a float representing the cost between them. If not provided, a default cost function is used which returns 1 if its arguments are different according to the polymorphic equality
  • n is an integer representing the number of categories.
  • category is a function that takes a leaf label and returns an optional category index for that label.
  • t is the input tree.

It returns a pair made of:

  • an array of floats representing the accumulated costs for each category.
  • a tree where each node is annotated with a pair consisting of the original node data and an array of choices (category indices) for each branch.


let category_func leaf_data =
  match leaf_data with
  | "A" -> Some 1
  | "B" -> Some 2
  | _ -> None

let input_tree = Tree.(node 1 [branch 1 (leaf "A"); branch 2 (leaf "B")])

let costs, routing = forward ~n:2 ~category:category_func input_tree

(* Accessing the costs *)
let cost_a_b = costs.(1).(2) (* Cost between category 1 and 2 *)

(* Accessing the routing *)
let node_data, children =
let child_1, child_2 = children.(1), children.(2) (* Children of the root node *)

This example demonstrates how to use the forward function to compute the costs and routing of a tree. We define a category_func that assigns categories to leaf data, where "A" corresponds to category 1 and "B" corresponds to category 2. We then create an input tree with two branches: one for category 1 and one for category 2. By invoking forward with the appropriate arguments, we obtain the computed costs in the costs array and the resulting routing in the routing tree. We can access the individual costs using array indexing, and we can access the routing information by navigati g the routing tree structure.

val backward : float array -> ('n * int List1.t array, 'l, 'b) Tree.t -> ('n * int, 'l * int, 'b) Tree.t

backward costs tree performs the backward pass of the Fitch algorithm on a given tree.

The arguments costs and tree are the values returned by the forward function.

It returns a tree where each branch is annotated with a pair consisting of the original branch data and an integer representing the chosen category index.


let input_tree = Tree.(node (1, [|List1.[1; 2]|]) [branch (1, [|List1.[1]|]) (leaf ("A", 1)); branch (2, [|List1.[2]|]) (leaf ("B", 2))])
let costs = [| [|0.; 2.|]; [|2.; 0.|] |]

let optimal_routing = backward costs input_tree

(* Accessing the routing *)
let node_data, children =
let child_1, child_2 = children.(1), children.(2) (* Children of the root node *)
let category_1, path_1 = (* Category and path of child 1 *)
let category_2, path_2 = (* Category and path of child 2 *)

This example showcases the usage of the backward function to compute the optimal routing of a tree. We provide a costs array representing the costs between different categories. The input_tree represents a pre-defined tree structure. By calling backward with the appropriate arguments, we obtain the optimal_routing tree, which contains the computed optimal routing information. We can access the routing information by traversing the optimal_routing tree structure and retrieving the category and path for each child node.

val fitch : ?cost:(int -> int -> float) -> n:int -> category:('l -> int option) -> ('n, 'l, 'b) Tree.t -> ('n * int, 'l * int, 'b) Tree.t

fitch ?cost ~n ~category tree performs the Fitch algorithm on a given tree.

  • ?cost is an optional cost function that takes two integers representing categories and returns a float representing the cost between them. If not provided, a default cost function is used which returns 1 if its arguments are different according to the polymorphic equality
  • n is an integer representing the number of categories.
  • category is a function that takes a leaf label and returns an optional category index for that label.
  • t is the input tree.

It returns a tree where each branch is annotated with a pair consisting of the original branch data and an integer representing the chosen category index.


let category_func leaf_data =
  match leaf_data with
  | "A" -> Some 1
  | "B" -> Some 2
  | _ -> None

let input_tree = Tree.(node 1 [branch 1 (leaf "A"); branch 2 (leaf "B")])

let optimal_routing = fitch ~n:2 ~category:category_func input_tree

(* Accessing the routing *)
let node_data, children =
let child_1, child_2 = children.(1), children.(2) (* Children of the root node *)
let category_1, path_1 = (* Category and path of child 1 *)
let category_2, path_2 = (* Category and path of child 2 *)

This example demonstrates how to use the fitch function to compute the optimal routing of a tree. We define a category_func that assigns categories to leaf data, where "A" corresponds to category 1 and "B" corresponds to category 2. We then create an input tree with two branches: one for category 1 and one for category 2. By invoking fitch with the appropriate arguments, we obtain the computed optimal routing in the optimal_routing tree. We can access the routing information by navigating the optimal_routing tree structure and retrieving the category and path for each child node.


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