package pfff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val strict : bool Stdlib.ref
type error = {
  1. typ : error_kind;
  2. loc : Parse_info.t;
  3. sev : severity;
and severity =
  1. | Fatal
  2. | Warning
and error_kind =
  1. | UndefinedEntity of Entity_php.id_kind * string
  2. | MultiDefinedEntity of Entity_php.id_kind * string * string * string
  3. | UndefinedClassWhileLookup of string
  4. | UndefinedMethodInAbstractClass of string
  5. | TooManyArguments of string
  6. | NotEnoughArguments of string
  7. | WrongKeywordArgument of string * string * severity2
  8. | CallingStaticMethodWithoutQualifier of string
  9. | CallingMethodWithQualifier of string
  10. | PassingUnexpectedRef
  11. | KeywordArgumentForRef
  12. | FormatStringMismatch of string
  13. | UseOfUndefinedVariable of string * suggest option
  14. | UnusedVariable of string * Scope_php.phpscope
  15. | UseOfUndefinedVariableInLambda of string
  16. | WrongLvalue
  17. | UseOfUndefinedMember of string * suggest option
  18. | UndefinedRequiredField of string * suggest option
  19. | FileNotFound of Common.filename
  20. | IncludeUnresolved
  21. | UseOfPlusNotDotForStrings
  22. | AssignInBooleanContext
  23. | UnnecessaryTernaryIf
  24. | MicroCloneCondExp of string * string
  25. | UglyGlobalDynamic
  26. | WeirdForeachNoIteratorVar
  27. | DynamicCode
  28. | CfgError of Controlflow_build_php.error_kind
  29. | Injection of injection_kind
  30. | CaseWithSemiColon
  31. | CaseSensitivityKeyword
  32. | InterfaceMethodWithBody
and severity2 =
  1. | Bad
  2. | ReallyBad
  3. | ReallyReallyBad
and suggest = string * int
and injection_kind =
  1. | XSS
  2. | Sql
  3. | Shell
val string_of_error : error -> string
val string_of_error_kind : error_kind -> string
val string_of_severity2 : severity2 -> string
exception Error of error
val _errors : error list Stdlib.ref
val fatal : -> error_kind -> unit
val warning : -> error_kind -> unit
val report_error : error -> unit
val report_all_errors : unit -> unit
type rank
val score_of_rank : rank -> int
val rank_of_error_kind : error_kind -> rank
val rank_errors : error list -> error list
val show_10_most_recurring_unused_variable_names : unit -> unit
val find_entity_and_warn : Entity_php.entity_finder -> (Entity_php.id_kind * -> (Cst_php.entity -> unit) -> unit

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