package pfff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type error = {
  1. typ : error_kind;
  2. loc : Parse_info.token_location;
  3. sev : severity;
and severity =
  1. | Error
  2. | Warning
and error_kind =
  1. | LexicalError of string
  2. | ParseError
  3. | AstbuilderError of string
  4. | OtherParsingError of string
  5. | Deadcode of entity
  6. | UndefinedDefOfDecl of entity
  7. | UnusedExport of entity * Common.filename
  8. | UnusedVariable of string * Scope_code.t
  9. | UnreachableStatement of string
  10. | CFGError of string
  11. | SgrepLint of string * string
  12. | FatalError of string
and entity = string * Entity_code.entity_kind
type annotation =
  1. | AtScheck of string
type identifier_index = (string, Parse_info.token_location) Hashtbl.t
val string_of_error : error -> string
val string_of_error_kind : error_kind -> string
val g_errors : error list ref
val error : Parse_info.t -> error_kind -> unit
val warning : Parse_info.t -> error_kind -> unit
val error_loc : Parse_info.token_location -> error_kind -> unit
val warning_loc : Parse_info.token_location -> error_kind -> unit
type rank =
  1. | Never
  2. | OnlyStrict
  3. | Less
  4. | Ok
  5. | Important
  6. | ReallyImportant
val score_of_rank : rank -> int
val rank_of_error : error -> rank
val score_of_error : error -> int
val annotation_at : Parse_info.token_location -> annotation option
val adjust_errors : error list -> error list

Innovation. Community. Security.