package pfff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ('dir, 'file) tree = ('dir, 'file) Common2.tree
type ('dir, 'file) treemap = (treemap_data * 'dir, treemap_data * 'file) tree
and treemap_data = {
  1. size : int;
  2. color : Simple_color.color;
  3. label : string;
type treemap_rendering = treemap_rectangle list
and treemap_rectangle = {
  1. tr_rect : Figures.rectangle;
  2. tr_color : int;
  3. tr_label : string;
  4. tr_depth : int;
  5. tr_is_node : bool;
type screen_dim = {
  1. w : int;
  2. h : int;
  3. w_view : int;
  4. h_view : int;
  5. h_status : int;
  6. w_legend : int;
val xy_ratio : float ref
val rect_ortho : unit -> Figures.rectangle
type algorithm =
  1. | Classic
  2. | Squarified
  3. | SquarifiedNoSort
  4. | Ordered of pivot
and pivot =
  1. | PivotBySize
  2. | PivotByMiddle
type ('a, 'b) layout_func = (float * ('a, 'b) treemap) list -> int -> Figures.rectangle -> (float * ('a, 'b) treemap * Figures.rectangle) list
val algos : algorithm list
val layoutf_of_algo : algorithm -> ('a, 'b) layout_func
val render_treemap : ?algo:algorithm -> ?big_borders:bool -> ('dir, 'file) treemap -> treemap_rendering
val treemap_of_tree : size_of_leaf:('file -> int) -> color_of_leaf:('file -> Simple_color.color) -> ?label_of_file:('file -> string) -> ?label_of_dir:('dir -> string) -> ('dir, 'file) tree -> ('dir, 'file) treemap
type directory_sort =
  1. | NoSort
  2. | SortDirThenFiles
  3. | SortDirAndFiles
  4. | SortDirAndFilesCaseInsensitive
val tree_of_dirs_or_files : ?filter_file:(Common.filename -> bool) -> ?filter_dir:(Common.dirname -> bool) -> ?sort:directory_sort -> file_hook:(Common.filename -> 'a) -> Common2.path list -> (Common.dirname, Common.filename * 'a) tree
val remove_singleton_subdirs : (Common.dirname, Common.filename * 'a) tree -> (Common.dirname, Common.filename * 'a) tree
val color_of_treemap_node : ('a, 'b) treemap -> Simple_color.color
val size_of_treemap_node : ('a, 'b) treemap -> int
val s_of_algo : algorithm -> string
val algo_of_s : string -> algorithm
val treemap_rectangles_ex : ((float * float) list * (float * float) list * (float * float * float)) list
val tree_ex_shneiderman_1991 : (unit, int) tree
val tree_ex_wijk_1999 : (unit, int) tree
val treemap_ex_ordered_2001 : (unit, unit) treemap
val actions : unit -> Common.cmdline_actions

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