package pds-reachability

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The type of the module which defines the data structure used within the analysis.

The decorated stack element type used by the PDS.

The decorated node type in the reachability structure.

The decorated edge type in the reachability structure.

The decorated type of targeted dynamic pop actions in this structure.

The decorated type of untargeted dynamic pop actions in this structure.

The type of the PDS reachability data structure.

include Pds_reachability_utils.Decorated_type
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val show : t -> string
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val to_yojson_delta : t -> t -> Yojson.Safe.json

Produces a Yojson structure representing the contents of a latter analysis which do not appear in the former.

val empty : t

The empty PDS reachability structure.

val add_edge : Edge.t -> t -> t

Adds an edge to a reachability structure.

val has_edge : Edge.t -> t -> bool

Determines if a structure has a particular edge.

val add_untargeted_dynamic_pop_action : Node.t -> Untargeted_dynamic_pop_action.t -> t -> t

Adds an untargeted dynamic pop action to a reachability structure.

val has_untargeted_dynamic_pop_action : Node.t -> Untargeted_dynamic_pop_action.t -> t -> bool

Determines if a given untargeted dynamic pop action is present in a reachability structure.

Query functions.
val find_push_edges_by_source : Node.t -> t -> (Node.t * Stack_element.t) Batteries.Enum.t
val find_pop_edges_by_source : Node.t -> t -> (Node.t * Stack_element.t) Batteries.Enum.t
val find_nop_edges_by_source : Node.t -> t -> Node.t Batteries.Enum.t
val find_targeted_dynamic_pop_edges_by_source : Node.t -> t -> (Node.t * Targeted_dynamic_pop_action.t) Batteries.Enum.t
val find_untargeted_dynamic_pop_actions_by_source : Node.t -> t -> Untargeted_dynamic_pop_action.t Batteries.Enum.t
val find_push_edges_by_target : Node.t -> t -> (Node.t * Stack_element.t) Batteries.Enum.t
val find_pop_edges_by_target : Node.t -> t -> (Node.t * Stack_element.t) Batteries.Enum.t
val find_nop_edges_by_target : Node.t -> t -> Node.t Batteries.Enum.t
val enumerate_nodes : t -> Node.t Batteries.Enum.t
val enumerate_edges : t -> Edge.t Batteries.Enum.t
module Node_set : Batteries.Set.S with type elt = Node.t

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