package pci

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A wrapper library around bindings to libpci.

Pci exposes a subset of the functionality of libpci as part of "The PCI Utilities" package shipped with most operating systems.

Rather than being a completely transparent set of bindings, this library exposes an API to wrap some of the composite functions to ensure correct memory allocation and cleanup. This should reduce memory leaks and segfaults which are possible with incorrect use of libpci.

module Pci_dev : sig ... end
module Pci_access : sig ... end
val lookup_class_name : Pci_access.t -> int -> string

lookup_class_name a id wraps pci_lookup_name with the right flags to lookup the name for the class whose identifier is id using the access value a. If libpci cannot find a match it returns "Class id".

val lookup_progif_name : Pci_access.t -> int -> int -> string

lookup_progif_name a c_id id is like lookup_class_name but returns the name of the programming interface with ID id within the class with ID c_id.

val lookup_vendor_name : Pci_access.t -> int -> string

lookup_vendor_name a id is like lookup_class_name but returns the name of the PCI vendor with ID id.

val lookup_device_name : Pci_access.t -> int -> int -> string

lookup_device_name a v_id id is like lookup_class_name but returns the name of the device with ID id by the vendor with ID v_id.

val lookup_subsystem_vendor_name : Pci_access.t -> int -> string

lookup_subsystem_vendor_name a id is like lookup_class_name but returns the name of the PCI vendor with ID id.

val lookup_subsystem_device_name : Pci_access.t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> string

lookup_subsystem_device_name a v_id d_id sv_id sd_id is like lookup_class_name but returns the name of the PCI subsystem of a device with ID d_id made by vendor with ID v_id whose subvendor and subdevice IDs are sv_id and sd_id respectively.

val with_access : ?cleanup:bool -> ?from_dump:string -> (Pci_access.t -> 'a) -> 'a

with_access ~cleanup f wraps the libpci calls to pci_alloc, pci_init and pci_cleanup and constructs (access:Pci_access.t) and returns f access. If cleanup is true (default), pci_cleanup is called to ensure the allocated access is not leaked and in the case where f a raises an exception exn, pci_cleanup is still called and exn is re-raised.

val get_devices : Pci_access.t -> Pci_dev.t list

get_devices a returns a list of devices found on the PCI bus for access value a. It wraps the libpci call to pci_scan_bus and calls pci_fill_info for each of the devices on the bus before returning a list of Pci_dev.t.


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