package pbs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Command : sig ... end
module Program : sig ... end
type t
type emailing = [
  1. | `Always of string
  2. | `Never
type array_index = [
  1. | `Index of int
  2. | `Range of int * int
type dependency = [
  1. | `After of string
  2. | `After_not_ok of string
  3. | `After_ok of string
type timespan = [
  1. | `Hours of float
val create : ?name:string -> ?shell:string -> ?walltime:timespan -> ?email_user:emailing -> ?queue:string -> ?stderr_path:string -> ?stdout_path:string -> ?array_indexes:array_index list -> ?dependencies:dependency list -> ?nodes:int -> ?ppn:int -> Program.t -> t
val sequence : ?name:string -> ?shell:string -> ?walltime:timespan -> ?email_user:emailing -> ?queue:string -> ?stderr_path:string -> ?stdout_path:string -> ?array_indexes:array_index list -> ?dependencies:dependency list -> ?nodes:int -> ?ppn:int -> string list -> t
val raw : ?name:string -> ?shell:string -> ?walltime:timespan -> ?email_user:emailing -> ?queue:string -> ?stderr_path:string -> ?stdout_path:string -> ?array_indexes:array_index list -> ?dependencies:dependency list -> ?nodes:int -> ?ppn:int -> string -> t
val monitored_sequence : with_file:string -> ?name:string -> ?shell:string -> ?walltime:timespan -> ?email_user:emailing -> ?queue:string -> ?stderr_path:string -> ?stdout_path:string -> ?array_indexes:array_index list -> ?dependencies:dependency list -> ?nodes:int -> ?ppn:int -> string list -> t
val array_sequence : ?name:string -> ?shell:string -> ?walltime:timespan -> ?email_user:emailing -> ?queue:string -> ?stderr_path:string -> ?stdout_path:string -> ?array_indexes:array_index list -> ?dependencies:dependency list -> ?nodes:int -> ?ppn:int -> (string -> string list) -> t
val to_string : t -> string

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