package patch

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Patch - parsing and applying unified diffs in pure OCaml

type hunk = {
  1. mine_start : int;
  2. mine_len : int;
  3. mine : string list;
  4. their_start : int;
  5. their_len : int;
  6. their : string list;

A hunk contains some difference between two files: each with a start line and length, and then the content as lists of string.

type parse_error = {
  1. msg : string;
  2. lines : string list;
exception Parse_error of parse_error
val pp_hunk : mine_no_nl:bool -> their_no_nl:bool -> Format.formatter -> hunk -> unit

pp_hunk ppf hunk pretty-prints the hunk on ppf, the printing is in the same format as diff does.

type operation =
  1. | Edit of string * string
  2. | Delete of string
  3. | Create of string
  4. | Rename_only of string * string

    The operation of a diff: in-place Edit, Delete, Create, Rename_only. The parameters to the variants are filenames. NOTE: in a typical git diff file, Rename_only does not have any prefix.

val pp_operation : Format.formatter -> operation -> unit

pp_operation ppf op pretty-prints the operation op on ppf.

val operation_eq : operation -> operation -> bool

operation_eq a b is true if a and b are equal.

type t = {
  1. operation : operation;
  2. hunks : hunk list;
  3. mine_no_nl : bool;
  4. their_no_nl : bool;

The type of a diff: an operation, a list of hunks, and information whether a trailing newline exists on the left and right.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf t pretty-prints t on ppf.

val pp_list : Format.formatter -> t list -> unit

pp ppf diffs pretty-prints diffs on ppf.

val parse : p:int -> string -> t list

parse ~p data decodes data as a list of diffs.

  • parameter p

    denotes the expected prefix level of the filenames. For more information, see the option -p in your POSIX-complient patch.

  • raises Parse_error

    if a filename was unable to be parsed

val patch : cleanly:bool -> string option -> t -> string option

patch file_contents diff applies diff on file_contents, resulting in the new file contents (or None if deleted).

val diff : operation -> string option -> string option -> t option

diff operation content_a content_b creates a diff between content_a and content_b. Returns None if no changes could be detected.


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