package parany

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception End_of_input

The demux function must throw Parany.End_of_input once it is done.

val run : verbose:bool -> csize:int -> nprocs:int -> demux:(unit -> 'a) -> work:('a -> 'b) -> mux:('b -> unit) -> unit

run ~verbose:false ~csize:10 ~nprocs:16 ~demux:f ~work:g ~mux:h will run in parallel on 16 cores the g function. Inputs to function g are produced by function f and grouped by 10 (the chunk size csize). The demux function f must throw Parany.End_of_input once it is done. Outputs of function g are consumed by function h. Functions f and g are run by different unix processes. Function g is run by nprocs processes at the same time. Only function mux is run by the same process that called A csize of one should be the default. The optimal csize depends on your computer, the functions you are using and the granularity of your computation. Elements which are fast to process may benefit from a csize greater than one. In order to troubleshoot an application, run parany with verbose set to true. This will print messages on stderr when a queue is empty or full.


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