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in-package search v0.2.0
module type RUNTIME = sig ... end
exception Flow of Mimic.error
type 'conn runtime = (module RUNTIME with type t = 'conn)
type impl =
| Runtime : 'conn runtime * 'conn -> impl
type sleep = int64 -> unit Lwt.t
val server : 'conn runtime -> sleep:sleep -> 'conn -> Mimic.flow -> unit Lwt.t
val run : 'conn runtime -> sleep:sleep -> 'conn -> Mimic.flow -> unit Lwt.t
type 't service
val service : ('flow -> (Mimic.flow * impl, 'error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> ('t -> ('flow, [> `Closed ] as 'error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> ('t -> unit Lwt.t) -> 't service
val serve : sleep:sleep -> ?stop:Lwt_switch.t -> 't service -> 't -> [ `Initialized of unit Lwt.t ]