Module type
Class type
module Stack : Mirage_stack.V4V6
exception Error of Mimic.error
type stack = Stack.t
init ~port stack
returns a service
bound on port
with stack
val http :
?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
?stop:Lwt_switch.t ->
error_handler:((Ipaddr.t * int) -> Httpaf.Server_connection.error_handler) ->
((Ipaddr.t * int) -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler) ->
service ->
[ `Initialized of unit Lwt.t ]
http ?config ?stop ~error_handler ~request_handler service
promises a service loop computation that is ready to receive connections. The inner promise is then determined once the service loop has ended - by default, only when an error occurs.
If passed, stop
is a switch that terminates the service loop, for example to limit execution time to 10 seconds:
let* service = init ~port:80 stack in
let stop = Lwt_switch.create () in
let `Initialized server = http ~stop ... service in
Lwt.both (Lwt_unix.sleep 10. >>= fun () -> Lwt_switch.turn_off stop) server
This is useful when subsequent actions are reliant on the service loop having begin, such as when testing with a client-server pair:
let* service = init ~port:80 stack in
let `Initialized server = http ... service in
Lwt.both server (client >|= signal_stop)
val https :
tls:Tls.Config.server ->
?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
?stop:Lwt_switch.t ->
error_handler:((Ipaddr.t * int) -> Httpaf.Server_connection.error_handler) ->
((Ipaddr.t * int) -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler) ->
service ->
[ `Initialized of unit Lwt.t ]
Same as http
, but requires a TLS certificate tls
val tcp_edn : (Stack.t * Ipaddr.t * int) Mimic.value
val tls_edn :
([ `host ] Domain_name.t option
* Tls.Config.client
* Stack.t
* Ipaddr.t
* int)
val request :
?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
ctx:Mimic.ctx ->
(Mimic.flow ->
(Ipaddr.t * int) option ->
Httpaf.Client_connection.error_handler) ->
((Ipaddr.t * int) option -> Httpaf.Client_connection.response_handler) ->
Httpaf.Request.t ->
([ `write ] Httpaf.Body.t, [> Mimic.error ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
request ?config ~ctx ~error_handler ~response_handler req
returns a open HTTP body according to the given context ctx
and the request req
To be able to start a simple HTTP connection, you must:
)These values must exist into the given ctx
to, at least, be able to start a TCP/IP connection:
let ctx =
Mimic.add Paf.tcp_edn
(stack, ipaddr_of_google, 80)
Mimic.empty Paf.request ~ctx ~error_handler ~response_handler req
The user is able to fill the ctx
with some clever processes such as a DNS resolver:
let domain_name = Mimic.make ~name:"domain-name"
let ipaddr = Mimic.make ~name:"ipaddr"
let resolver domain_name =
match Unix.gethostbyname (Domain_name.to_string domain_name) with
| { Unix.h_addr_list; _ } ->
if Array.length h_addr_list > 0
then Lwt.return_some (Ipaddr_unix.of_inet_addr h_addr_list.(0))
else Lwt.return_none
| exception _ -> Lwt.return_none
let stack = Mimic.make ~name:"stack"
let port = Mimic.make ~name:"port"
let connect stack ipaddr port = Lwt.return_some (stack, ipaddr, port)
let ctx =
let open Mimic in
fold ipaddr Fun.[ req domain_name ] ~k:resolver Mimic.empty
|> fold Paf.tcp_edn
Fun.[ req stack; req ipaddr; dft port 80 ]
If mimic
is able to create a tcp_edn
value from the ctx
and these functions, the user will be able to start a TCP/IP connection. ipaddr
will come from a given domain_name
and if the port
is missing, we use 80
as the default value. The stack
still is required.
For a more user-friendly interface, you should take a look into paf.cohttp