You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
functorial verstion storing element of type ('a, 'b) elt for container of the 'b and table of type 'a
type 'a table
type 'b container
type ('a, 'b) elt
val create : unit -> 'b container
val create_table : unit -> 'a table
val address : 'b container -> 'b tag
val eq : 'a container -> 'b container -> ('a, 'b) eq
val add : 'a table -> 'b container -> ('a, 'b) elt -> unit
val find : 'a table -> 'b container -> ('a, 'b) elt
val clear : 'a table -> unit
val length : 'a table -> int
type 'a iter = {
f : 'b. ('a, 'b) elt -> unit;
val iter : 'a iter -> 'a table -> unit
type ('a, 'c) fold = {
f : 'b. ('a, 'b) elt -> 'c -> 'c;
val fold : ('a, 'c) fold -> 'a table -> 'c -> 'c