package ozulip

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Message requests

Message destination

type destination

Destination information

val private_emails : string list -> destination

private_emails emails create destination for private message with users with giving emails emails.

val private_ids : int list -> destination

private_ids ids create destination for private message with users with giving ids ids.

val stream_name : string -> string -> destination

stream_name name topic create destination for stream message with specified stream name name under the topic topic.

val stream_id : int -> string -> destination

stream_id id topic create destination for stream message with specified stream id id under the topic topic.

Message selection

type propagate_mode =
  1. | One
  2. | Later
  3. | All

Indicates which message(s) should be edited.


val send_message : ?queue_id:string -> ?local_id:string -> Ozulip__.Config.config -> destination -> string -> (int, int * string option) result Lwt.t

send_message ~queue_id ~local_id config dest content sends a stream or a private message with content content. Returns message's id. config is connection configuration. dest is a message destination created with stream_* functions for stream's message and private_* for private message. queue_id event queue ID for client supporting local echo. local_id a unique string-format identifier for client supporting local echo.

val upload_file : Ozulip__.Config.config -> string -> string option Lwt.t

upload_file config path uploads a single file under the path path. Returns corresponding URI of the file on the server.

val upload_string_file : Ozulip__.Config.config -> filename:string -> file_content:string option -> string option Lwt.t

upload_string_file config filename file_content is the same as upload_file but uses string file_content instead of a path to a file. Returns corresponding URI of the file on the server.

val edit_message : ?topic:string -> ?stream_id:string -> ?content:string -> ?prop_mode:propagate_mode -> ?notif_old:bool -> ?notif_new:bool -> Ozulip__.Config.config -> int -> bool Lwt.t

edit_message ~topic ~stream_id ~content ~prop_mode ~notif_old ~notif_new config id edits/updates the content, topic, or stream of a message. Returns boolean that tells if request was succesfull. topic the topic to move the message(s) to, to request changing the topic. stream_id the stream ID to move the message(s) to, to request moving messages to another stream. content the updated content of the target message. Note that a message's content and stream cannot be changed at the same time. prop_mode tells which message(s) should be edited. notif_old whether to send breadcrumb message to the old thread to notify users where the messages were moved to. notif_new whether to send a notification message to the new thread to notify users where the messages came from.

val delete_message : Ozulip__.Config.config -> int -> bool Lwt.t

delete_message config id permanently delete a message with giving id. Returns boolean that tells if request was succesfull.


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