package owl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type



type t

t is an abstract type to represent an experssion, it is also an alias for type node. Type node is only for internal use in the module.

Core functions
val variable : unit -> t

variable () creates a placeholder for the variable in the graph.

val assign_arr : t -> A.arr -> unit

assign_arr x a assigns value a to x. x is the variable created by variable () function before. Note that assignment will invalidate all the nodes in the subgraph depending on x.

val assign_elt : t -> A.elt -> unit

assign_elt x a assigns value a to x, simiar to assign_arr.

val to_arr : t -> A.arr

to_arr x unpacks an ndarray from x of type t.

val to_elt : t -> A.elt

to_elt x unpacks an element from x of type t.

val of_arr : A.arr -> t

of_arr x creates a constant value from x in the computation graph. The constant value cannot be re-assigned by assign_arr or assign_elt later.

val of_elt : A.elt -> t

of_elt x is similar to of_arr but used for the value of type elt.

val eval : t -> unit

eval x evaluates the experssion represented by x. Note only the subgraph that x depends on will be evaluated rather than the whole graph.

Printing functions
val pp_lazy : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_lazy x pretty prints x.

val to_trace : t list -> string

to_trace x returns the trace string that can be printed on the terminal for a list of given expressions. The trace shows the structure of the graph.

val to_dot : t list -> string

to_dot x converts a list of experssions into graph using dot-formatted string. The returned string can be used for visualising the computation graph with third-party tool such as graphviz.

Properties and manipulations
val is_var : t -> bool

is_var x returns true if x is a variable created by variable.

val is_const : t -> bool

is_const x returns true if x is a const created by of_arr or of_elt.

val refnum : t -> int

refnum x returns the number of x's parents in the computation graph.

val map : (t array -> t) -> t array -> t

map f x is a general mechanism that allows you to plug in any functions into a compuation graph as a computation node in case the unary and binary math operators defined in this functor are not sufficient.

f : t array -> t takes an array of t as inputs and outputs a constant value of t. This means the output must be wrapped up using either of_arr or of_elt function before returning the result.

val tile : t -> int array -> t
val repeat : ?axis:int -> t -> int -> t
val concatenate : ?axis:int -> t array -> t
Unary operators
val abs : t -> t
val neg : t -> t
val conj : t -> t
val reci : t -> t
val signum : t -> t
val sqr : t -> t
val sqrt : t -> t
val cbrt : t -> t
val exp : t -> t
val exp2 : t -> t
val exp10 : t -> t
val expm1 : t -> t
val log : t -> t
val log2 : t -> t
val log10 : t -> t
val log1p : t -> t
val sin : t -> t
val cos : t -> t
val tan : t -> t
val asin : t -> t
val acos : t -> t
val atan : t -> t
val sinh : t -> t
val cosh : t -> t
val tanh : t -> t
val asinh : t -> t
val acosh : t -> t
val atanh : t -> t
val floor : t -> t
val ceil : t -> t
val round : t -> t
val trunc : t -> t
val fix : t -> t
val erf : t -> t
val erfc : t -> t
val relu : t -> t
val softplus : t -> t
val softsign : t -> t
val softmax : t -> t
val sigmoid : t -> t
val sum : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val prod : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val min : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val max : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val mean : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val var : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val std : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val l1norm : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val l2norm : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val cumsum : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val cumprod : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val cummin : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val cummax : ?axis:int -> t -> t
val sum' : t -> t
val prod' : t -> t
val min' : t -> t
val max' : t -> t
val mean' : t -> t
val var' : t -> t
val std' : t -> t
val l1norm' : t -> t
val l2norm' : t -> t
val l2norm_sqr' : t -> t
Binary operators
val add : t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
val div : t -> t -> t
val pow : t -> t -> t
val dot : t -> t -> t
val atan2 : t -> t -> t
val hypot : t -> t -> t
val fmod : t -> t -> t
val min2 : t -> t -> t
val max2 : t -> t -> t
val add_scalar : t -> t -> t
val sub_scalar : t -> t -> t
val mul_scalar : t -> t -> t
val div_scalar : t -> t -> t
val pow_scalar : t -> t -> t
val atan2_scalar : t -> t -> t
val fmod_scalar : t -> t -> t
val scalar_add : t -> t -> t
val scalar_sub : t -> t -> t
val scalar_mul : t -> t -> t
val scalar_div : t -> t -> t
val scalar_pow : t -> t -> t
val scalar_atan2 : t -> t -> t
val scalar_fmod : t -> t -> t
val conv1d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> t -> int array -> t
val conv2d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> t -> int array -> t
val conv3d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> t -> int array -> t
val max_pool1d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t
val max_pool2d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t
val max_pool3d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t
val avg_pool1d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t
val avg_pool2d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t
val avg_pool3d : ?padding:Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t
val conv1d_backward_input : t -> t -> int array -> t -> t
val conv1d_backward_kernel : t -> t -> int array -> t -> t
val conv2d_backward_input : t -> t -> int array -> t -> t
val conv2d_backward_kernel : t -> t -> int array -> t -> t
val conv3d_backward_input : t -> t -> int array -> t -> t
val conv3d_backward_kernel : t -> t -> int array -> t -> t
val max_pool1d_backward : Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t -> t
val max_pool2d_backward : Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t -> t
val avg_pool1d_backward : Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t -> t
val avg_pool2d_backward : Owl_types.padding -> t -> int array -> int array -> t -> t
Comparion functions
val elt_equal : t -> t -> t
val elt_not_equal : t -> t -> t
val elt_less : t -> t -> t
val elt_greater : t -> t -> t
val elt_less_equal : t -> t -> t
val elt_greater_equal : t -> t -> t
val elt_equal_scalar : t -> t -> t
val elt_not_equal_scalar : t -> t -> t
val elt_less_scalar : t -> t -> t
val elt_greater_scalar : t -> t -> t
val elt_less_equal_scalar : t -> t -> t
val elt_greater_equal_scalar : t -> t -> t

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