package owl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Plot module The input to a plot function is supposed to be a row-based matrix.

type dsmat = Owl_dense_real.mat
type handle
type color =
  1. | RED
  2. | GREEN
  3. | BLUE
type legend_position =
  1. | North
  2. | South
  3. | West
  4. | East
  5. | NorthWest
  6. | NorthEast
  7. | SouthWest
  8. | SouthEast
val create : ?m:int -> ?n:int -> string -> handle
val subplot : handle -> int -> int -> unit
val output : handle -> unit
val set_output : handle -> string -> unit
val set_title : handle -> string -> unit
val set_xlabel : handle -> string -> unit
val set_ylabel : handle -> string -> unit
val set_zlabel : handle -> string -> unit
val set_xrange : handle -> float -> float -> unit
val set_yrange : handle -> float -> float -> unit
val set_zrange : handle -> float -> float -> unit
val set_foreground_color : handle -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val set_background_color : handle -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val set_font_size : handle -> float -> unit
val set_pen_size : handle -> float -> unit
val set_page_size : handle -> int -> int -> unit
val legend_on : handle -> ?position:legend_position -> string array -> unit
val legend_off : handle -> unit

Line style is an integer ranging from 1 to 8.

val plot : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?marker:string -> ?marker_size:float -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val plot_fun : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?marker:string -> ?marker_size:float -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> (float -> float) -> float -> float -> unit
val scatter : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?marker:string -> ?marker_size:float -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val histogram : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?bin:int -> dsmat -> unit
val ecdf : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> dsmat -> unit
val stairs : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val stem : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?marker:string -> ?marker_size:float -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val autocorr : ?h:handle -> ?marker:string -> ?marker_size:float -> dsmat -> unit
val text : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> float -> float -> ?dx:float -> ?dy:float -> string -> unit
val draw_line : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> unit
val draw_rect : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?fill_pattern:int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> unit
val draw_circle : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> ?fill_pattern:int -> float -> float -> float -> unit
val bar : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?fill_pattern:int -> dsmat -> unit
val area : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?fill_pattern:int -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val error_bar : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?line_style:int -> ?line_width:float -> dsmat -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val boxplot : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> dsmat -> unit
val pie : ?h:handle -> ?color:(int * int * int) -> ?fill:bool -> dsmat -> unit

Plot 3D figures

val plot3d : ?h:handle -> ?contour:bool -> dsmat -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit

plot3d is just an alias of surf function.

val surf : ?h:handle -> ?contour:bool -> dsmat -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val mesh : ?h:handle -> ?contour:bool -> dsmat -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val contour : ?h:handle -> dsmat -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit
val heatmap : ?h:handle -> dsmat -> dsmat -> dsmat -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.