package owee

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type header
type pointers_to_other_sections = {
  1. debug_line_str : Owee_buf.t option;
  2. debug_str : Owee_buf.t option;
val read_chunk : Owee_buf.cursor -> pointers_to_other_sections:pointers_to_other_sections -> (header * Owee_buf.cursor) option

read_chunk cursor ~pointers_to_other_sections expects the cursor to be pointing to the beginning of a DWARF linenumber program. Those are usually put in ".debug_line" section of an ELF binary.

Iff such a program is found, the cursor is advanced to the next one (or to the end) and Some (header, cursor') is returned.

pointers_to_other_sections are needed in DWARF 5 because filenames can be pointers to strings in entirely separate sections of DWARF.

type state = {
  1. mutable address : int;
  2. mutable filename : string;
  3. mutable file : int;
  4. mutable line : int;
  5. mutable col : int;
  6. mutable is_statement : bool;
  7. mutable basic_block : bool;
  8. mutable end_sequence : bool;
  9. mutable prologue_end : bool;
  10. mutable epilogue_begin : bool;
  11. mutable isa : int;
  12. mutable discriminator : int;

State of the linenumber automaton. IMPORTANT: this state is mutable! A value of this type can change as the file is scanned.

val get_filename : header -> state -> string option

get_filename header state get the filename associated to the row described by state. Linenumber programs are allowed to store the filename as an index to a registry in the state.file field. This function reads this registry if state.file is valid, or returns state.filename.

val fold_rows : (header * Owee_buf.cursor) -> (header -> state -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a

fold_rows (header, cursor) f init will fold over the rows defined by the program described by (header, cursor), using the function f and initial state init.

val copy : state -> state

copy state returns a copy of the mutable state


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