package override
Dune Dependency
OCaml PPX extension for overriding modules
This library extends OCaml syntax for overriding modules defined in other compiled interface files. This library generalizes ppx_import
by allowing a whole module to be imported with all its types, possibly with annotations. In particular, importing a whole module can be convenient to apply ppx_deriving
to a large family of mutually inductive data types (see examples below).
Similarly to ppx_import
, you may require the override
package in the staged_pps
field of your dune
(name foo)
(preprocess (staged_pps override
You may use override
in the toplevel with the help of findlib
#use "topfind";;
#require "override";;
Overriding submodules
In its simplest form, this syntax extension can be seen as a mechanization of Gabriel Scherer's post about Overriding submodules on Gagallium blog (it is worth noticing that, thanks to GPR#1892, module overriding is now free with OCaml 4.08, so readers interested about what this library can still offer with new versions of OCaml may skip this section).
Let's begin with the same example as in the blog post, with the following module defined in
let x = 1
module Tata = struct
let y = 2
module Titi = struct
let z = 3
In another file, say
, we can override the module Toto
to change the definition of y
for a string
, for example.
module%override Toto = struct
module%override Tata = struct
let y = "2"
This works for interfaces too: we can write the following interface in gagallium.mli
, in the same lines as above.
module%override Toto : sig
module%override Tata : sig
val y : string
This works with functors too: we can add for example a function diff
to modules generated by Map.Make
module%override Map = struct
module%override Make (X : OrderedType) = struct
let diff m0 m1 =
merge (fun key v0 v1 -> match v1 with None -> v0 | Some _ -> None) m0 m1
This works with module types too: the following example changes the definition of [Hashtbl.HashedType] to take a [compare] predicate instead of [equal] (
). Note that since there is no with module type
constraint, the signature of Hashtbl
have to be expanded in the code generated by the notation to remove the original HashedType
module%override Hashtbl = struct
module type HashedType = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
module Make (X : HashedType) = struct
include Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = X.t
let equal x y = x y = 0
let hash = X.hash
Importing types
If the imported module defines a type, we can override its definition with the construction type t = _
: this construction allows new attributes to be added to the type. For instance, the following example (adapted from ppx_import
) derives
from the definition of Longident.t
module%override Longident = struct
type t = _ [@@deriving show]
let () =
print_endline ( (Longident.parse "Foo.Bar.baz"))
(* Longident.Ldot (Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident ("Foo"), "Bar"), "baz") *)
Several types may be imported at once with the construction type t and ... and u = _
. All the types imported at once are redefined in a single mutually recursive definition.
module%override Location = struct
type t and 'a loc = _ [@@deriving show]
and co
: importing mutually recursive types
Ending a type
list with and co
include the other types that are defined in the same mutually recursive definitions as one of the types explicitly listed. Each added type carries the attributes given after and co
The and co
notation will be recognized if it ends the enumeration: if you want to refer to an abstract type called co
, you may refer to it at another place in the enumeration.
module%overrive Example = struct
type a and b = _ and co [@@deriving show]
[@@from: ... ]
: renaming types
Names of the types can be changed: the type declaration introduces the new type and the imported name is carried by the [@@from: ...]
module%override Location = struct
type location = _ [@@from: t]
: importing all the types and module types from a module
The notation [%%types]
imports all the types and module types defined in the currently overriden module, except types and moduel types that have been overriden previously. Attributes given to [%%types]
are applied to each imported type. Types that were mutually recursive in the imported module are defined as mutually recursive in the overriden module (to gather independent types in a single mutually recursive group, see the next section about the [%%recursive]
For example, we may try to derive show
for all types of OCaml Parsetree
, using the package compiler-libs.common
module%override Parsetree = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
We get the following error.
File "_none_", line 1:
Error: Unbound value Asttypes.pp_loc
We can fix the error by deriving show
for Asttypes
as well.
module%override Asttypes = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
module%override Parsetree = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
We will get errors for Location.pp
and Longident.pp
that we will fix in the same way. More interestingly, with OCaml 4.07 and above, we will get the following error.
File "_none_", line 1:
Error: Unbound value Stdlib.Lexing.pp_position
This error can be solved by overriding both the module Stdlib
and the submodule Lexing
. All in all, show
can be derived for Parsetree
and all its dependencies as below (
). (This example supposes that OCaml 4.07 or above is used: for former versions of OCaml, Lexing
should just be imported as the other modules.)
module%override Stdlib = struct
module%override Lexing = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
module%override Longident = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
module%override Location = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
module%override Asttypes = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
module%override Parsetree = struct
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
In the case of Asttypes
and Parsetree
, the imported interfaces only contain types, and all these types are redefined (with [%%types]
). When these two conditions are met, the modules themselves are not included. Since Asttypes
and Parsetree
interfaces have no implementations, there would have been a link-time failure if they were included.
: importing all the symbols from a module
The notation [%%symbols]
can be used in signatures to import all the symbols (types, module types, values and module declarations) that are defined in the imported module. The following example defines the signature of a module for ordered and hashed types by constructing the union of Hashtbl.HashedType
and Hashtbl.OrderedType
module type S = sig
module%import Hashtbl : sig
module type%import HashedType = sig
module%import Map : sig
module type%import OrderedType = sig
type t [@@remove]
: removing types
Types may be removed from signature with the annotation [@@remove]
. Several types may be removed at once by listing them with and
, and the and co
notation may be used as well.
module%override Asttypes = struct
type constant [@@remove]
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
Note that to exclude some types from the annotations carried by [%%types]
without removing them from the module, the types just have to be imported before invoking [%%types]
module%override Asttypes = struct
type constant = _
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
If the excluded types have to be imported after [%%types]
(for instance, if the excluded types refer to the other types), it is possible to remove them first and reimport them afterwards.
module%override Parsetree = struct
type toplevel_phrase and co [@@remove]
[%%types] [@@deriving show]
type toplevel_phrase = _ and co
, module%import
, [%%recursive]
: flattening structure
The notation module%include
overrides a module and include it in the current module. In the following example, the types location
and 'a loc
are then defined at top-level (and not in a module Location
module%include Location = struct
type location [@@from: t] and 'a loc = _ [@@deriving show]
The notation module%import
overrides a module in the current module without including the definitions that are not explicitely overriden. In the following example, the type loc
is defined at top-level as an alias for Location.t
, but the type 'a loc
is not imported.
module%import Location = struct
type loc = _ [@@from: t] [@@deriving show]
The notation recursive
transforms a set of type definitions into a single mutually recursive definition of types. The annotations put to recursive
are applied to one of the types (the first one). This can be useful for some derivers. The recursive
notation will reject structures that contain other items than type definitions, but module%import
can be used inside recursive
as long as the structure contains only type definitions. In the following example, location
, 'a loc
and longident
are defined in a single mutually recursive type definition.
module%import Location = struct
type location = _ [@@from: t]
type 'a loc = _
module%import Longident = struct
type longident = _ [@@from: t]
Note that the notation becomes [%%recursive: ...]
in a signature.
Self import of types declared in the interface file
The notation module%import
is useful in particular to import the types declared in the interface file. For example, the implementation file
can import the types declared in self_import.mli
with the following construction.
module%import Self_import = struct
This construction can be used at the root of the implementation file as well as in submodules, including functors. For instance, the following interface file self_import.mli
declares a type, a module type and a functor, and some values.
type t = A | B
val x : t
module type S = sig
type t
val perform : t -> unit
module Make (X : S) : sig
type t = X.t
val perform_twice : t -> unit
The following implementation file
imports these definitions and provides the declared values.
module%import Self_import = struct
let x = A
module Make (X : S) = struct
module%import Self_import = struct
module%import Make (X : S) = struct
let perform_twice t =
X.perform t;
X.perform t
: rewriting types
Type declarations can be annotated with [@@rewrite]
attribute to use them as rewriting rules for subsequent type importations. Let's consider the following example.
module%override Location = struct
type location = _ [@@from: t]
type 'a loc = _
The type Location.t
is renamed into Location.location
but the imported definition of loc
still refers to Location.t
, which can be indesirable if that definition is used for deriving. By putting the annotation [@@rewrite]
to the definition of location
, the rewriting rule t
→ location
is applied to every type importation that appears after the definition of location
in the module.
module%override Location = struct
type location = _ [@@from: t] [@@rewrite]
(* Rewriting rules at this point: t -> location *)
type 'a loc = _
(* Will be defined as type 'a loc = { txt : 'a; loc : location },
where the type of loc has been rewritten. *)
(* Rewriting rules at this point: Location.t -> Location.location *)
The scope of rewriting rules extends to the end of the outer-most block that carries an override notation (module%override
, recursive
, ...). The notation [%%rewrite ...]
can be used to introduce a rewriting scope explicitely (scopes can be nested, and rewriting rules in outer scopes apply in inner scopes). Rewriting rules are promoted by qualifying the identifiers accordingly when their scope extends after the module where they are defined. For instance, the rule t
→ location
defined in the example above would become Location.t
→ Location.location
if applied outside the module Location
The notation [@@rewrite]
can be applied to a type alias as well. In the following example, Longident.t loc
will be rewritten longident loc
by the rewriting rule introduced by the first type declaration, and then longident_loc
by the second (rewriting rules are applied up to reaching a fix point).
module%import Longident = struct
type longident = _ [@@from: t] [@@rewrite]
(* Rewriting rules at this point: t -> longident *)
(* Rewriting rules at this point: Longident.t -> longident *)
type longident_loc = longident Location.loc [@@rewrite]
(* Rewriting rules at this point:
- Longident.t -> longident
- longident Location.loc -> longident_loc
The following rewriting rule is induced by composition:
- Longident.t Location.loc -> longident_loc *)
When applied to a removed type, the rewriting rule is oriented in the opposite direction. For instance, the following example transforms references to 'a Asttypes.loc
into 'a Location.loc
module%override Asttypes = struct
type 'a loc [@@rewrite] [@@remove]
(* Rewriting rules at this point: 'a loc -> 'a Location.loc *)
(* Rewriting rules at this point: a Asttypes.loc -> 'a Location.loc *)
If the removed type is declared as a type alias, the right-hand side of the declaration is used as the right-hand side of the rewriting rule. This can be useful for instance to annotate the occurrences of some types .
For instance, the following example (adapted from ppx_import
) derives pp_package_type
from the definition of Parsetree.package_type
), relying on rewriting rules to add annotations to the occurrences of Longident.t
and Asttypes.loc
module%import Longident = struct
type t = Longident.t [@printer Printtyp.longident]
[@@rewrite] [@@remove]
(* Rewriting rules at this point:
- t -> Longident.t [@printer Printtyp.longident] *)
(* Rewriting rules at this point:
- Longident.t -> Longident.t [@printer Printtyp.longident] *)
module%import Asttypes = struct
type 'a loc = 'a Asttypes.loc
[@polyprinter fun pp fmt x -> pp fmt x.Asttypes.txt]
[@@rewrite] [@@remove]
module%import Parsetree = struct
type core_type = Parsetree.core_type [@printer Pprintast.core_type]
[@@rewrite] [@@remove]
(* Rewriting rules at this point:
- Longident.t -> Longident.t [@printer Printtyp.longident]
- 'a Asttypes.loc -> 'a Asttypes.loc
[@polyprinter fun pp fmt x -> pp fmt x.Asttypes.txt]
- core_type -> Parsetree.core_type [@printer Pprintast.core_type] *)
type package_type = _ [@@deriving show]
The following example implements mechanically the transformation rules described in the comments of ast/
from ppxlib
(* "- replacing app [type ...] by [and ...] to make everything one
recursive block" *)
(* "- adding the type definitions for position, location, loc and longident"
They are imported from Stdlib.Lexing.position, Location.t, 'a Location.loc,
and Longident.t respectively. *)
(* "- flattening all the modules"
All the modules are imported with module%import. *)
module%import Stdlib = struct
module%import Lexing = struct
type position = _ [@@rewrite]
module%import Location = struct
(* "- renaming a few types:
- - Location.t -> location" *)
type location = _ [@@from: t] [@@rewrite]
type 'a loc = _ [@@rewrite]
module%import Longident = struc
(* "- renaming a few types:
- - Longident.t -> longident" *)t
type longident = _ [@@from: t] [@@rewrite]
(* "- adding a type longident_loc = longident loc and replacing all
the occurences of the latter by the former. This is so that we can
override iteration an the level of a longident loc." *)
type longident_loc = longident loc [@@rewrite]
module%import Asttypes = struct
(* "- removing Asttypes.constant (unused and conflicts with
Parsetree.constant)" *)
type constant [@@remove]
type 'a loc [@@rewrite] [@@remove]
[%%types] [@@rewrite]
module%import Parsetree = struct