package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Use Of_string for string array vectors.

type index = int
type element = String.t
module Basis : sig ... end

Signture of vector basis with type erased.

module Element : sig ... end

Signature of totally ordered vector element type.

type t = String.t array
val nil : t

Data structures use this distinguished empty vector.

val empty : t -> bool

Data structures use empty v to test whether v contains any elements.

val first : index

Data structures use first as the index of the first element.

val last : t -> index

Data strutures use last v to get the index of the last element of v. This function may raise Invalid_argument only if v is empty.

val project : t -> index -> element

Data structures use project v i to get the element in v at index i. Data structures may raise Invalid_argument only if i is not a valid index of v.

val of_seq : element Seq.t -> t

Data structures use of_seq s to make a vector with elements consumed from s, with the head of s at the first index, and the element immediately preceding the end of s at the last index.

val to_seq : t -> element Seq.t

Data structures use to_seq v to make a confluently persistent sequence of elements from v, beginning at the first element and ending after the last element.


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