package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type nonrec 'a t = (Buffer.t, 'a) t

The type of emitters to Buffer.t channels.

val char : char t

The emitter for characters.

val string : string t

The emitter for strings.

val bytes : bytes t

The emitter for byte arrays.

val string_slice : string Cf_slice.t t

The emitter for string slices.

val bytes_slice : bytes Cf_slice.t t

The emitter for byte array slices.

val utf_8_uchar : Uchar.t t

The emitter for Unicode code points encoded as UTF-8.

val utf_16le_uchar : Uchar.t t

The emitter for Unicode code points encoded as UTF-16LE.

val utf_16be_uchar : Uchar.t t

The emitter for Unicode code points encoded as UTF-16BE.

val substitute : (string -> string) -> string t

Use substitute f to make a string emitter than uses the keyword substitution method Buffer.add_substitute on the input.

val buffer : Buffer.t t

The emitter for Buffer content.

val channel : int -> in_channel t

The emitter for the content read from standard input channels.

val to_string : 'a t -> 'a -> string

Use to_string m v to emit v with m to a fresh buffer and return its contents.