package orm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module T = Dyntype.Type
module V = Dyntype.Value
exception Sql_process_error of T.t * Sqlite3.Data.t * string
val process_error : T.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t -> string -> 'a
val exec_sql : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> string -> Sqlite3.Data.t list -> (Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a) -> 'a
val process : (Sql_backend.state -> Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a -> 'b) -> env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> constraints:(string * string * Sqlite3.Data.t option) list -> ?order_by:string -> string -> string list -> 'a -> 'b
val strict_process : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> constraints:(string * string * Sqlite3.Data.t option) list -> ?order_by:string -> string -> string list -> (Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a) -> 'a list
val lazy_process : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> constraints:(string * string * Sqlite3.Data.t option) list -> ?order_by:string -> string -> string list -> (Sqlite3.stmt -> 'a) -> unit -> 'a option
val string_of_constraint : (string list * [< `Big_int of [< `Eq of Big_int.big_int | `Ge of Big_int.big_int | `Geq of Big_int.big_int | `Le of Big_int.big_int | `Leq of Big_int.big_int | `Neq of Big_int.big_int ] | `Bool of [< `F | `T ] | `Char of [< `Eq of char | `Ge of char | `Geq of char | `Le of char | `Leq of char | `Neq of char ] | `Float of [< `Eq of float | `Ge of float | `Geq of float | `Le of float | `Leq of float | `Neq of float ] | `Int of [< `Eq of int | `Ge of int | `Geq of int | `Le of int | `Leq of int | `Neq of int ] | `Int32 of [< `Eq of int32 | `Ge of int32 | `Geq of int32 | `Le of int32 | `Leq of int32 | `Neq of int32 ] | `Int64 of [< `Eq of int64 | `Ge of int64 | `Geq of int64 | `Le of int64 | `Leq of int64 | `Neq of int64 ] | `Opaque_id of [< `Eq of int64 ] | `String of [< `Contains of string | `Eq of string ] ]) -> string * string * Sqlite3.Data.t option
val force : (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a list
val parse_row : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> skip:bool -> name:string -> type_env:(string * T.t) list -> vars:(string * int64) list -> T.t -> Sqlite3.Data.t array -> int -> V.t * int
val lazy_get_values : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> ?id:int64 -> ?type_env:(string * T.t) list -> ?vars:(string * int64) list -> ?constraints: (string list * [< `Big_int of [< `Eq of Big_int.big_int | `Ge of Big_int.big_int | `Geq of Big_int.big_int | `Le of Big_int.big_int | `Leq of Big_int.big_int | `Neq of Big_int.big_int ] | `Bool of [< `F | `T ] | `Char of [< `Eq of char | `Ge of char | `Geq of char | `Le of char | `Leq of char | `Neq of char ] | `Float of [< `Eq of float | `Ge of float | `Geq of float | `Le of float | `Leq of float | `Neq of float ] | `Int of [< `Eq of int | `Ge of int | `Geq of int | `Le of int | `Leq of int | `Neq of int ] | `Int32 of [< `Eq of int32 | `Ge of int32 | `Geq of int32 | `Le of int32 | `Leq of int32 | `Neq of int32 ] | `Int64 of [< `Eq of int64 | `Ge of int64 | `Geq of int64 | `Le of int64 | `Leq of int64 | `Neq of int64 ] | `Opaque_id of [< `Eq of int64 ] | `String of [< `Contains of string | `Eq of string ] ]) list -> ?order_by:string -> ?custom_fn:(V.t -> bool) -> T.t -> unit -> (int64 * V.t) option
val get_enum_values : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> id:int64 -> type_env:(string * T.t) list -> vars:(string * int64) list -> string -> T.t -> V.t list
val get_values : env:Sql_backend.env -> db:Sql_backend.state -> ?id:int64 -> ?type_env:(string * T.t) list -> ?vars:(string * int64) list -> ?constraints: (string list * [< `Big_int of [< `Eq of Big_int.big_int | `Ge of Big_int.big_int | `Geq of Big_int.big_int | `Le of Big_int.big_int | `Leq of Big_int.big_int | `Neq of Big_int.big_int ] | `Bool of [< `F | `T ] | `Char of [< `Eq of char | `Ge of char | `Geq of char | `Le of char | `Leq of char | `Neq of char ] | `Float of [< `Eq of float | `Ge of float | `Geq of float | `Le of float | `Leq of float | `Neq of float ] | `Int of [< `Eq of int | `Ge of int | `Geq of int | `Le of int | `Leq of int | `Neq of int ] | `Int32 of [< `Eq of int32 | `Ge of int32 | `Geq of int32 | `Le of int32 | `Leq of int32 | `Neq of int32 ] | `Int64 of [< `Eq of int64 | `Ge of int64 | `Geq of int64 | `Le of int64 | `Leq of int64 | `Neq of int64 ] | `Opaque_id of [< `Eq of int64 ] | `String of [< `Contains of string | `Eq of string ] ]) list -> ?order_by:string -> ?custom_fn:(V.t -> bool) -> T.t -> (int64 * V.t) list

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