package orewa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t
type common_error = [
  1. | `Connection_closed
  2. | `Unexpected
val show_common_error : common_error -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val equal_common_error : common_error -> common_error -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val echo : t -> string -> (string, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
type exist =
  1. | Always
  2. | Not_if_exists
  3. | Only_if_exists
val set : t -> key:string -> ?expire:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?exist:exist -> string -> (bool, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val get : t -> string -> (string option, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val getrange : t -> start:int -> end':int -> string -> (string, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val getset : t -> key:string -> string -> (string option, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val strlen : t -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val mget : t -> string list -> (string option list, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val mset : t -> (string * string) list -> (unit, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val msetnx : t -> (string * string) list -> (bool, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val lpush : t -> key:string -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val lrange : t -> key:string -> start:int -> stop:int -> (string list, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val append : t -> key:string -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val auth : t -> string -> (unit, [> `Redis_error of string | common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val bgrewriteaof : t -> (string, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val bgsave : t -> (string, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val bitcount : t -> ?range:(int * int) -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
type overflow =
  1. | Wrap
  2. | Sat
  3. | Fail
type intsize =
  1. | Signed of int
  2. | Unsigned of int
type offset =
  1. | Absolute of int
  2. | Relative of int
type fieldop =
  1. | Get of intsize * offset
  2. | Set of intsize * offset * int
  3. | Incrby of intsize * offset * int
val bitfield : t -> ?overflow:overflow -> string -> fieldop list -> (int option list, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
type bitop =
  1. | AND
  2. | OR
  3. | XOR
  4. | NOT
val bitop : t -> destkey:string -> ?keys:string list -> key:string -> bitop -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
type bit =
  1. | Zero
  2. | One
val equal_bit : bit -> bit -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val bitpos : t -> ?start:int -> ?end':int -> string -> bit -> (int option, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val getbit : t -> string -> int -> (bit, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val setbit : t -> string -> int -> bit -> (bit, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val decr : t -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val decrby : t -> string -> int -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val incr : t -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val incrby : t -> string -> int -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val incrbyfloat : t -> string -> float -> (float, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val select : t -> int -> (unit, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val del : t -> ?keys:string list -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val exists : t -> ?keys:string list -> string -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val expire : t -> string -> Core.Time.Span.t -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val expireat : t -> string -> Core.Time.t -> (int, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val keys : t -> string -> (string list, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val scan : ?pattern:string -> ?count:int -> t -> string Async.Pipe.Reader.t
val move : t -> string -> int -> (bool, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val persist : t -> string -> (bool, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val randomkey : t -> (string, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val rename : t -> string -> string -> (unit, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val renamenx : t -> key:string -> string -> (bool, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
type order =
  1. | Asc
  2. | Desc
val sort : t -> ?by:string -> ?limit:(int * int) -> ?get:string list -> ?order:order -> ?alpha:bool -> ?store:string -> string -> ([> `Count of int | `Sorted of string list ], [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val ttl : t -> string -> (Core.Time.Span.t, [> `No_such_key of string | `Not_expiring of string | common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val type' : t -> string -> (string option, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val dump : t -> string -> (string option, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val restore : t -> key:string -> ?ttl:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?replace:bool -> string -> (unit, [> common_error ]) Async.Deferred.Result.t
val connect : ?port:int -> host:string -> t Async.Deferred.t
val close : t -> unit Async.Deferred.t
val with_connection : ?port:int -> host:string -> (t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t) -> 'a Async.Deferred.t

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