package opus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type application = [
  1. | `Voip
  2. | `Audio
  3. | `Restricted_lowdelay
type signal = [
  1. | `Auto
  2. | `Voice
  3. | `Music
type bitrate = [
  1. | `Auto
  2. | `Bitrate_max
  3. | `Bitrate of int
type control = [
  1. | generic_control
  2. | `Set_complexity of int
  3. | `Get_complexity of int ref
  4. | `Set_bitrate of bitrate
  5. | `Get_bitrate of bitrate ref
  6. | `Set_vbr of bool
  7. | `Get_vbr of bool ref
  8. | `Set_vbr_constraint of bool
  9. | `Get_vbr_constraint of bool ref
  10. | `Set_force_channels of bool
  11. | `Get_force_channels of bool ref
  12. | `Set_max_bandwidth of max_bandwidth
  13. | `Get_max_bandwidth of max_bandwidth
  14. | `Set_bandwidth of bandwidth
  15. | `Set_signal of signal
  16. | `Get_signal of signal ref
  17. | `Set_application of application
  18. | `Get_application of application
  19. | `Get_samplerate of int
  20. | `Get_lookhead of int
  21. | `Set_inband_fec of bool
  22. | `Get_inband_fec of bool ref
  23. | `Set_packet_loss_perc of int
  24. | `Get_packet_loss_perc of int ref
  25. | `Set_dtx of bool
  26. | `Get_dtx of bool ref
type t
val create : ?pre_skip:int -> ?comments:(string * string) list -> ?gain:int -> samplerate:int -> channels:int -> application:application -> -> t
val header : t -> Ogg.Stream.packet
val comments : t -> Ogg.Stream.packet
val apply_control : control -> t -> unit
val encode_float : ?frame_size:float -> t -> float array array -> int -> int -> int
val encode_float_ba : ?frame_size:float -> t -> (float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t array -> int -> int -> int
val eos : t -> unit
  • deprecated This function generates invalid bitstream. Please use Ogg.Stream.terminate instead!

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