package opentelemetry-client-cohttp-lwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = private {
  1. debug : bool;
  2. url : string;

    Url of the endpoint. Default is "http://localhost:4318", or "OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT" if set.

  3. headers : (string * string) list;

    API headers sent to the endpoint. Default is none or "OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS" if set.

  4. batch_traces : int option;

    Batch traces? If Some i, then this produces batches of (at most) i items. If None, there is no batching.

    Note that traces and metrics are batched separately. Default Some 400.

  5. batch_metrics : int option;

    Batch metrics? If Some i, then this produces batches of (at most) i items. If None, there is no batching.

    Note that traces and metrics are batched separately. Default None.

  6. batch_logs : int option;

    Batch logs? See batch_metrics for details. Default Some 400

  7. batch_timeout_ms : int;

    Number of milliseconds after which we will emit a batch, even incomplete. Note that the batch might take longer than that, because this is only checked when a new event occurs. Default 500.



To build one, use make below. This might be extended with more fields in the future.

val make : ?debug:bool -> ?url:string -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> ?batch_traces:int option -> ?batch_metrics:int option -> ?batch_logs:int option -> ?batch_timeout_ms:int -> unit -> t

Make a configuration.

  • parameter thread

    if true and bg_threads is not provided, we will pick a number of bg threads. Otherwise the number of bg_threads superseeds this option.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

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