package opam-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = private {
  1. print_stats : bool;
  2. sync_archives : bool;
  3. self_upgrade : [ `Disable | `Running | `None ];
  4. pin_kind_auto : bool;
  5. autoremove : bool;
  6. editor : string;
type 'a options_fun = ?print_stats:bool -> ?sync_archives:bool -> ?self_upgrade:[ `Disable | `Running | `None ] -> ?pin_kind_auto:bool -> ?autoremove:bool -> ?editor:string -> unit -> 'a
val default : t
val set : t -> t options_fun
val setk : (t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a options_fun
val r : t ref
val update : ?noop:_ -> unit options_fun
val init : ?noop:_ -> unit options_fun

Sets the options, reading the environment to get default values when unspecified

val self_upgrade_bootstrapping_value : string

OPAMNOSELFUPGRADE is set to this value when the current opam process has been called by an older opam process using the self-upgrade mechanism

val search_files : string list

Extra files included in opam search