package opam-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Switch related paths

Root dir: $opam/$switch

lock file: $opam/lock

val backup_dir : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

The directory where backups are stored for this switch

Backup file for state export

Library path for a given package: $opam/$switch/lib/$name

Library path: $opam/$switch/lib

val stublibs : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

DLL paths

val toplevel : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

toplevel path: $opam/$switch/lib/toplevel

Documentation path for a given package: $opam/$switch/doc/$name

Documentation path: $opam/$switch/doc/

val share_dir : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Shared directory: $opam/$switch/share

Share directory for a given package: $opam/$switch/share/$package

Etc directory: $opam/$switch/etc

Etc directory for a given package: $opam/$switch/etc/$package

val man_dir : ?num:string -> t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Man pages path: $opam/$switch/man/. The optional num argument will add a manN suffix if specified

Installed binaries: $opam/$switch/bin

Installed system binaries: $opam/$switch/sbin

val installed : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.filename

List of installed packages with their version: $opam/$switch/installed

val installed_roots : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.filename

List of packages explicitly installed by the user: $opam/$switch/installed.roots

Temporary folders used to decompress and compile the corresponding archives: $opam/$switch/build/$packages

val build_ocaml : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Temporary folders used to decompress and compile the OCaml compiler: $opam/$switch/build/ocaml

val build_dir : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Temporary folder: $opam/$switch/build

Temporary location of install files: $opam/$switch/build/$package/$name.install

Temporary location of config files: $opam/$switch/build/$packages/$name.config

Installed files for a given package: $opam/$switch/install/$name.install

val install_dir : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Installed files: $opam/$switch/install/

val reinstall : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.filename

Packages to reinstall on next upgrade: $opam/$switch/reinstall

Compile and link flags for a given package: $opam/$switch/lib/$name/opam.config

val config_dir : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Configuration folder: $opam/$switch/config

val global_config : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.filename

Global config for the switch: $opam/$switch/config/global-config.config

Pinned package file: $opam/$switch/pinned

val dev_packages_dir : t -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.dirname

Build dir for all pinned packages: $opam/$switch/

Build dir for a given pinned package: $opam/$switch/$name.$version/

module Overlay : sig ... end

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