package opam-format

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Helper module for manipulation of the raw syntax (opamfile) format. (the specific file handling modules are derived from this one)

val pp_channel : 'a typed_file -> Pervasives.in_channel -> Pervasives.out_channel -> (unit, OpamTypes.opamfile) OpamPp.t
val of_channel : 'a typed_file -> Pervasives.in_channel -> OpamTypes.opamfile
val to_channel : 'a typed_file -> Pervasives.out_channel -> OpamTypes.opamfile -> unit
val of_string : 'a typed_file -> string -> OpamTypes.opamfile
val to_string : 'a typed_file -> OpamTypes.opamfile -> string
val to_string_with_preserved_format : 'a typed_file -> ?format_from:'a typed_file -> empty:'a -> ?sections: ('a, (string option * OpamTypes.opamfile_item list) list) OpamFormat.I.fields_def -> fields:('a, OpamTypes.value) OpamFormat.I.fields_def -> (OpamTypes.opamfile, OpamTypes.filename * 'a) OpamPp.t -> 'a -> string

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