val msg : ('a, unit, string, unit)Stdlib.format4->'a
val formatted_msg :
?indent:int ->('a, unit, string, unit)Stdlib.format4->'a
val header_msg : ('a, unit, string, unit)Stdlib.format4->'a
val header_error :
('a, unit, string, ('b, unit, string, unit)Stdlib.format4->'b)Stdlib.format4->'a
val carriage_delete : unit -> unit
Erase the current line on stdout (doesn't flush stdout)
val status_line : ('a, unit, string, unit)Stdlib.format4->'a
Display a dynamic status line to stdout, that will be erased on next call. The message should not be wider than screen nor contain newlines. Use clear_status when the status line should be erased.
val clear_status : unit -> unit
Erase the status line and restore the cursor to the start of the line
val pause : ('a, unit, string, unit)Stdlib.format4->'a
Show a prompt and wait for the user to press anything.
val confirm :
?require_unsafe_yes:bool ->?default:bool ->('a, unit, string, bool)Stdlib.format4->'a
Ask the user to press Y/y/N/n to continue (returns a boolean). Defaults to true (yes) if unspecified. If require_unsafe_yes is true, it automatically answer yes to the question if automatic answering is set to `unsafe_yes ; otherwise it will prompt and wait user input if it is set `all_yes (interactive). Its default is false.
val menu :
?default:'a->?unsafe_yes:'a->?yes:'a->no:'a->options:('a * string) list->('b, unit, string, 'a)Stdlib.format4->'b
Prompts the user with multiple numbered choices (answer, message).
unsafe_yes, yes are the options to choose if the corresponding global options are set. no is the option to choose otherwise, when non interactive, on escape. default is the option to choose on an active empty input ("\n"). Max 35 options.
val read : ('a, unit, string, string option)Stdlib.format4->'a
Read some input from the user (returns a string option)
val print_table :
?cut:[ `Wrap of string| `Truncate| `None ]->Stdlib.out_channel ->sep:string ->string list list->
Prints a table; generally called on tables passed through align_table. The default cut is to wrap on stdout, stderr, keep as-is otherwise. `Wrap sep prepends sep on wrapped lines