package opam-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

CLI Versions

include OpamStd.ABSTRACT
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val to_json : t -> OpamJson.t
val of_json : OpamJson.t -> t option
module Set : sig ... end
module Map : sig ... end
val current : t

The current version of the CLI (major and minor of OpamVersion.current

val is_supported : t -> bool

Tests whether a valid CLI version is supported by the client library

val env : OpamStd.Config.env_var -> t option

Parse the given environment variable as MAJOR.MINOR

val of_string_opt : string -> t option

'a option version of to_string

val (>=) : t -> (int * int) -> bool

Comparison >] with (major, minor)

val (<) : t -> (int * int) -> bool

Comparison < with (major, minor)


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