package omtl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type test_suit = string * test_case list
and test_case = string * (unit -> unit)
module Test_Result : sig ... end
val (+:>) : string -> (string * (unit -> unit)) list -> string * (string * (unit -> unit)) list

Assist in building test sets and individual test items to improve the readability of test code

val (>==) : string -> (unit -> unit) -> string * (unit -> unit)
val fail : string -> 'a

Wrapper function to failwith

module type Info_Impl = sig ... end
module type Info_API = sig ... end
module Info_Generator (M : sig ... end) : sig ... end
module Backtrace : sig ... end
module CallStack : sig ... end
module Color : sig ... end
val test : ?backtrace:bool -> ?callstack:bool -> ?color:bool -> (unit -> unit) -> Test_Result.t
val test_case : ?backtrace:bool -> ?callstack:bool -> ?color:bool -> test_case -> string
val test_suit : ?backtrace:bool -> ?callstack:bool -> ?color:bool -> test_suit -> unit
val run : ?backtrace:bool -> ?callstack:bool -> ?color:bool -> test_suit -> unit

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