package olinq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type !'a printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type !'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit
type data =
  1. | S of string
  2. | I of int
  3. | B of bool
  4. | F of float
module Data : sig ... end
val int : int -> data
val float : float -> data
val bool : bool -> data
val string : string -> data
type row = data array
exception IndexError
module Row : sig ... end
exception DimError
type t
val create : ?size:int -> names:string array -> unit -> t
val init : names:string array -> int -> (int -> row) -> t
val make : names:string array -> int -> row -> t
val num_rows : t -> int
val num_cols : t -> int
val size : t -> int
val names : t -> string array
val get : int -> t -> row option
val get_exn : int -> t -> row
val get_cell : int -> int -> t -> data option
val get_cell_exn : int -> int -> t -> data
val fold : f:('acc -> row -> 'acc) -> x:'acc -> t -> 'acc
val iter : f:(row -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iteri : f:(int -> row -> unit) -> t -> unit
val push : t -> row -> unit
val push_l : t -> row list -> unit
val push_seq : t -> row sequence -> unit
val to_seq : t -> row sequence
val to_list : t -> row list
val to_list_rev : t -> row list
val print : t printer

Innovation. Community. Security.